Wohl bekomm's.
No, I didn't say they're forcing them to be homosexual, they're encouraging it. Which you say is a good thing because some people are simply born that way and they're only learning to accept themselves for who they are.
However, studies found that LGBT individuals reported higher rates of childhood abuse and worse mental health as adults than straight people, which poses the question whether being gay is something they're born with or the result of sexual abuse.
The liberal answer to this is that they already were gay to begin with and the abuse is the result of them not being accepted, and if people only accepted this fact, it would end the abuse, but that seems to be putting the cart before the horse, because it's like saying "I may have stolen something from you, but if you agree it wasn't yours to begin with, it wasn't really theft after all". It also doesn't explain why they continue to suffer from worse mental health as adults, that's why you have to come up with things like "systemic oppression" to explain why they continue to feel victimized.
The conservative position is that homosexuality is, more often than not, the result of childhood abuse and the effect of continued trauma caused by the fact that the abuse was never punished, i.e. the abuser got away with it, which causes the victim to live in constant emotional distress over the fear that it might happen again, and results in the victim punishing themselves by constantly re-inflicting that trauma in the form of supposedly consensual homosexual activity.
Now, from a logical standpoint, there is no reason that homosexuality should exist, because it serves no biological purpose. It's an evolutionary dead end because it has no way of reproducing itself genetically since it cannot produce offspring by natural means, unless you're willing to say childhood abuse is natural, in which case encouraging homosexuality is helping child abusers to get away with their crimes. And this is exactly why conservatives are so opposed to LGBT education. And the fact that the more homosexuality has become acceptable in society has lead to a huge increase in people identifying as LGBT, but not to better mental health outcomes for these people, seems to prove their position correct. And no matter how much you press them on it, liberals don't seem to have a good answer to explain this phenomenon; they just keep insisting that if only we did more to accept them as they are, they would stop feeling so oppressed.
Do YOU have a good answer for this? Or are you just going to call me a fascist some more?
Jeffrey Epstein's client list would like to have a word with you.
The verse is about David killing 200 Philistines in order to collect their foreskins to give them to King Saul as a dowry in exchange for marrying his daughter.
What people seem to forget is that David was not the Messiah, although he was favored by God for a long time, he was eventually punished for all of his bloodshed when God did not allow him to build the temple (1 Chr. 22:6-8).
Okay, let's assume you're right and that is indeed a terrible belief system. What's your alternative? It seems to me that you are arguing that we should believe that we already ARE good people and we don't need any forgiveness or grace in order to be good. If anyone disagrees with that and points out something we've done that hurt them, we can just tell them they're wrong because God created us to be perfect and sinless and we don't need to change a single thing. How does that attitude not lead to blatant narcissism in the long run?
If you don't believe there is at least a chance that you might be wrong, there is no reason to ever listen to the complaints of other people, and no reason to ever try to find any compromise. It's simply the law of the stronger. Whoever has the most power makes all the rules because God made them perfect and they don't need to fix a single thing. Isn't that exactly what you are accusing Christians of doing? How do you get morality out of that philosophy?
Ordnung muss sein!
Spaßfakt: in Baden gibt es auch ein Kippenheim. Ist gar nicht mal so weit von Müllheim.
Oh, und in Bayern gibt’s einen Ort namens Inzell.
I don't know, it sounds like he had his team analyze the log data for MediaMatter's account with a fine-toothed comb and cross-referenced it with their ad system to figure out how their supposed manipulation went down. I know Elon comes across as rather impulsive and erratic, but don't forget that this guy is literally the first person to shoot a rocket into space without the help of an entire government (and make it reusable, too), and he single-handedly made electric cars economically viable. So it's certainly possible that he did his homework on this. But time will tell.
It's weird to Linux users because all the common userspace CLI commands are from FreeBSD, not GNU. Meaning they sometimes use different flags and generally don't support any of the GNU extensions.
If anything, Linux is the weirdo in this comparison because MacOS and FreeBSD are virtually identical from a CLI perspective.
You don't need a quantum computer, all you need is mitmproxy and some free time to set it up, and you can spy on the encrypted content of all your browser traffic.