
joined 1 year ago
[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

It's also literally based on FreeBSD except with a custom kernel.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

It's actually FreeBSD under the hood, but with a custom kernel.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Oh, so now YOU want to regulate how people live their lives. Not too long ago you told me government should stay out of it. Funny how the tables turn, isn't it.

Also, I hope you realize how ridiculous it is to accuse conservatives of raping and molesting kids and then saying the solution is to teach them how to be gay in school. Because encouraging them to accept a lifetime of repeated sexual trauma is somehow better? You're a sick and demented individual, and you should not be allowed to spend time around any kids.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I want a government that minds it's own business.

Minding its own business is by definition not what the government does. Yes, there obviously should be limits on what they're allowed to do (which is why we have the Bill of Rights in the constitution), but regulating public order and trying to prevent or at least curb the worst predations among people is literally what the government was created for. And I'm not a big fan of it either, but until we figure out a way to raise all children peacefully and without abuse, it sadly appears to be the best we can do.

And no, education was never intended to be the government's business. Public safety, regulation of commerce, and national defense was. The federal government didn't even get involved in education until the 19th century. Public schools, where they existed, were operated by the cities or counties they were in.

See the thing is, people constantly disagree about what the best way to do anything whatsoever is. But nowadays we have this weird idea that everyone everywhere must have everything the same. A black kid from the swamps in Louisiana should have the same chance at becoming a rocket scientist as a white kid from Massachusetts whose parents work at MIT. Except it simply isn't possible to guarantee any of that. Nor is it necessary in order for everyone to be happy.

If California wants to become a sanctuary state for transgender people, and the local residents agree with that, why shouldn't they? Conversely, if a small town in Tennessee doesn't want homosexuality in public, and the residents agree, why shouldn't they be allowed to do that, too? You don't have to live there if you don't like it, just like I don't have to live in California.

But no, that doesn't work for you, does it? If the people in Tennessee want to do something you don't agree with, you have to get upset and start a whole damn argument on the Internet about it, even though you probably don't even live anywhere near there. That's the mark of a petty tyrant, a wannabe authoritarian who can't be happy unless everyone thinks and acts exactly like he wants them to. You're not fooling anyone with this nonsense. You're just a sad, miserable cunt who wants everyone to share in his misery. But you know what, I hope you find happiness anyways. And by God, I hope that it doesn't involve the sexual abuse of any children.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Look buddy, we've been over this before. I already posted the link before, but I'm happy to go over it again.

"Sexual conduct" means acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or physical contact with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks or, if such person be a female, breast.

Did you see "holding hands" mentioned anywhere in there? Yeah, me neither. Holding hands is perfectly okay. Even kissing isn't mentioned here. This whole thread (and the article) is simply much ado about nothing. Like I said before, the thing they're upset about is that homosexuality is explicitly mentioned. What they forgot to tell you is that it isn't exclusively mentioned. Same rules for everyone. Perfectly egalitarian.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

Or reddit while Aaron Swartz was still around.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, this place is a lot like what reddit used to be like before they started monetizing it.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

I think it's more accurate to say that German eats dinner for lunch and lunch for dinner.

Yes, both breakfast and dinner involve bread, but breakfast is usually sweet (honey, jam, maybe some cheese) while dinner is savory (meat, cheese, and veggies).

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago

Personally, I'm a huge fan of this:

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Based on what evidence? I just told you I would get rid of public schools entirely, how does that make me a statist?

Once again, you are simply projecting. In reality, you're the one who wants to force everyone's kids in public school so they can be taught about having gay sex and become mindless consumer drones for the rich and powerful. But that always seems to be the case when people get rid of God, they end up worshiping the state instead.

I think we're done here. At this point, it's amply clear to me that you have no ability reason, so capacity for introspection, and not a single halfway sensible argument. All you have is bottomless rage and contempt for everyone who doesn't think like you, and you would like nothing better than to force everyone to bow down and comply to your will. You never answered my question about this but I'm starting to think a gay communist dictatorship is exactly the type of government you would prefer.

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Again, you're acting as if not allowing people to be gay in front of kids is equivalent to putting them in extermination camps, or that putting them in camps is the next logical step. It's not. They're not prohibiting people from being gay, they're just limiting where and how it can be expressed when children are involved. And no, it's not a free speech issue, we have age limits for violent movies being shown in public as well (which can of course freely be skirted at home, just like parents in Murfreesboro can still decide to teach their children about homosexuality at home).

Also, sexual abuse is far more common in public schools than it is at church. Here's a few links for you:

[–] PepeLivesMatter 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

If you were straight, there'd be no conceivable reason as upset as you are about a small town in Tennessee which you don't even live in banning homosexual acts in public in front of minors.

There simply is no good reason children ever need to see this, just like they don't need to see their parents having sex.

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