
joined 1 month ago
[–] 4 points 13 hours ago

We can't really give up. But I am a shit activist...

[–] 12 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

I just saw someone on Gab insist that Thomas Crooks was a registered Democrat...

[–] 18 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

Seems like covid's overall impact on society won't be as long lived as we thought. The whole work from home thing was almost seen as revolutionary as it would save office space and expenses. But it seems companies care far more for control than even profit.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

It also exceptionally rare that police officers themselves get prosecuted. Chauvin's conviction was a surprising twist as such things almost never happen. This is one situation where they threw one of their own under the bus to placate the public while the whole situation actually gets worse.

Like ever since BLM got started, the rate of police shootings have only gone up, and funding has increased AND there are far more laws protecting police than before. In many states it is becoming increasingly illegal to film police officers for any reason. So they might have thrown Chauvin under the bus, but they might make it illegal to film cops in his area, so future Chauvins who get filmed will have nothing to fear, as they will arrest the person filming them and charge them, and since the film obtained is criminal it will be dismissed as evidence.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I want that. I really do. The major problem is that throughout most of history the wealthy have always gotten away with the most incredibly blatant shit and the general attitude of the legal system has been to comfort the comfortable and grieve the aggrieved. The times where the people on the top got their comeuppance and where the wealthy were forced to comply with some level of propriety towards the average person are both rare and brief.

In the US, the New Deal era was by far the most prosperous era in US history, and many of the wealthy people HATED it. The whole modern anti-politics as politics started shortly after WW2 as a response to the whole thing. The video I linked has more information on it... and it is far from the whole story. What I am saying is that it is really fucked just how powerful the propaganda apparatus of capitalism has grown. This isn't to say that it was somehow unbiased in the past. Prior to WW2 the liberal media basically aided fascists gain power even when fascists were killing many of the same liberal journalists and shutting down their newspapers.

It isn't impossible. It is just fucked is what I am saying, and things will get a lot worse before things get better... and the sad reality is any recovery will be very brief since that is the way how humans work.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

What sucks is that these iconic 80s slasher villains represented a societal backlash against the hippie boomers of the 60s and 70s as many boomers started feeling embarrassed over their free love phase and the changes of society. So the whole theme was that society was punishing early Gen Xers and late baby boomers for being sexually active.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

The same thing in Canada. Despite the reputation of Canadians being polite wusses by Americans the Canadian legal system is much harsher than the American system.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

This is why libertarians and many modern authoritarian LOVE corporations. Unlike governments which have some accountability (that has seriously been dwindling) corporations can basically do what they want. Laws are effectively written by corporations so that anyone in any position of authority is never thrown in prison or even needs to worry about that (ultra low level workers can be thrown to the dogs to placate the public every once in a while) and meanwhile the right of protestors has been so seriously curtailed that soon even in formerly first world countries they might be able to break out the machine guns like they did in central America in the 1910s and 1950s. In Britain protestors are being sentenced to record prison terms that were formerly reserved for rapists and muggers.

There is little question that corporations are behind them all.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

The reason is the same reason why bullies go after vulnerable and/or isolated kids. The type of person who has a car and has the money and means to illegally modify it is also the type of person who would give the police absolute hell if they so much as dared to look at them the wrong way. A person jumping a small toll is someone who is poor and will never attract the sympathies of any judge who will treat them very harshly.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They would never win. The police were just doing their jobs after all. So what if a couple of innocent people get shot? After all, just because they are currently innocent, doesn't mean they aren't future criminals. So really, by shooting them they make it less likely that they'll commit future crimes!

[–] 31 points 1 day ago

This is an age old American tradition of shooting people who try to stow on train cars. There is an image in American culture of the freighthopping hobo who is trying to find a better place to live and work despite not having a dime to his name. Of course in reality many people have been shot for doing that. Property and a few dollars is worth much, much more than a poor person's life.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I'll take your word for it. In all honesty whenever I see some douchebag with a sports car who makes the engine roar all I can think of is that this is the mating cry of a man with a tiny penis.

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