[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 65 points 1 week ago

He needs to be in a prison cell.

submitted 1 month ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/ndp@lemmy.ca

I wasn't able to find much information on this. Which pharmacies want to treat their customers right?

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 32 points 1 month ago

I wonder how many stockholm syndrome conservatives that are trapped.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml

Apparently you can only complete 11% of the vanilla game by playing ethically and there are a few mods to help.

submitted 2 months ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/telecomcanada@lemmy.ca

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/18786240

To all new customers and old customers lets work together to protect and reinstate the old rewards system back into Public Mobile.

Lets use our energy to turn on the multi-biilion dollar Telus for ending public mobile's old rewards and demand that they bring it back for all customers. I as an old rewards customer was against the points system rewards in the first place. The Telus CEO recently took home $13+ million. We shouldn't feel sad for that person. They were still making a killing on the old rewards. There was a meeting where the investors were boasting about how PM has such loyal customers, but now they're overlooking what made the service so good. Community and good prices. This is the result of years of telecom crown corporations being privatized, the service gets worse and more expensive. Along with company mergers reducing competition and stifling innovation in the industry. In 2022 PM assured us that old customers who wished to remain on the old rewards plan could do so. However on the end of march 2024 they reneged on that promise forcing the old rewards customers onto the new rewards plan regardless. So I have filed a complaint with CCTS that has been accepted.

-The old system was in dollars instead of points.

-It was applied automatically.

-Referrals were unlimited.

-$1 off for every referral.

-$2 off with autopay.

-$1 for every year up to $5.


The new people should get these perks as well.

We all deserve cheaper bills during this corporate greed trend in the Canadian market.

-First contact Public Mobile about this then file your complaints with CCTS, CRTC and to any more regulators that are available.

-Question the new changes under the announcement https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Announcements/Upcoming-Changes-to-our-Old-Rewards-Program/td-p/1154856.

-Make a new post calling out Public Mobile in the forums.

-Write to your MP that you were taken advantage of in the Public Mobile false advertising situation.

-If someone has the means or is a lawyer please start a class action lawsuit against Telus.

-Contact the Press.

-Tell your friends and family about how Public Mobile betrayed the old rewards customers.

-Threaten to switch carriers that are not Public Mobile, Koodo or Telus.

-Use every tool in the box to fight against this unacceptable situation.

The divide and conquer strategy will not work on the community Telus. They're wrong about us we stick to together and look out for one another, us united costumers have more bargaining power than they do.

We need as much pressure as possible. We can do this and get fair treatment as customers.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/publicmobile@lemmy.ca

To all new customers and old customers lets work together to protect and reinstate the old rewards system back into Public Mobile.

Lets use our energy to turn on the multi-biilion dollar Telus for ending public mobile's old rewards and demand that they bring it back for all customers. I as an old rewards customer was against the points system rewards in the first place. The Telus CEO recently took home $13+ million. We shouldn't feel sad for that person. They were still making a killing on the old rewards. There was a meeting where the investors were boasting about how PM has such loyal customers, but now they're overlooking what made the service so good. Community and good prices. This is the result of years of telecom crown corporations being privatized, the service gets worse and more expensive. Along with company mergers reducing competition and stifling innovation in the industry. In 2022 PM assured us that old customers who wished to remain on the old rewards plan could do so. However on the end of march 2024 they reneged on that promise forcing the old rewards customers onto the new rewards plan regardless. So I have filed a complaint with CCTS that has been accepted.

-The old system was in dollars instead of points.

-It was applied automatically.

-Referrals were unlimited.

-$1 off for every referral.

-$2 off with autopay.

-$1 for every year up to $5.


The new people should get these perks as well.

We all deserve cheaper bills during this corporate greed trend in the Canadian market.

-First contact Public Mobile about this then file your complaints with CCTS, CRTC and to any more regulators that are available.

-Question the new changes under the announcement https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Announcements/Upcoming-Changes-to-our-Old-Rewards-Program/td-p/1154856.

-Make a new post calling out Public Mobile in the forums.

-Write to your MP that you were taken advantage of in the Public Mobile false advertising situation.

-If someone has the means or is a lawyer please start a class action lawsuit against Telus.

-Contact the Press.

-Tell your friends and family about how Public Mobile betrayed the old rewards customers.

-Threaten to switch carriers that are not Public Mobile, Koodo or Telus.

-Use every tool in the box to fight against this unacceptable situation.

The divide and conquer strategy will not work on the community Telus. They're wrong about us we stick to together and look out for one another, us united costumers have more bargaining power than they do.

We need as much pressure as possible. We can do this and get fair treatment as customers.

submitted 2 months ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/18600290

submitted 2 months ago by PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca to c/vegan@lemmy.ml
[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 34 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I would say get to know her more first and then see what kind of humour she has.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 55 points 4 months ago

Windows creates so much e-waste.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 182 points 4 months ago

“But a wave of disinformation in 2023, falsely claiming offshore wind projects killed whales, resulted in a sharp decline in public support for offshore wind.”

I can’t believe people fell for that.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 51 points 5 months ago

Sounds like this will also help male rape victims.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 51 points 6 months ago

But why are ethical restrictions any less valid than religious dietary restrictions?

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 150 points 6 months ago

Google is an untrustworthy business partner. Why should anyone invest in their projects.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 43 points 7 months ago

The bullying drops as well.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 51 points 7 months ago

That’s it. Nationalize Air Canada. We have had it with their self serving doctrine.

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 39 points 7 months ago

Watch spez squirm every time lemmy improves

[-] PuddingFeeling907@lemmy.ca 62 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Must’ve frustrated them when they were a toddler.

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