[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 4 points 45 minutes ago* (last edited 44 minutes ago)


Trying to extort the federal government like that seems like a really quick way to end up with your face, phone number and home address in a press release, along with a note from the NSA that basically says "this guy has $33 million in Bitcoin, would be a shame if someone kicked in his door and beat him with a bat until he gave up the keys :)"

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

Especially when "tmpfiles" is an existing term of art with a very specific meaning

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

its more likely than you think

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 8 points 2 days ago

The early twenties intermediate dev on my team was explaining the other week that if you remember a time before smartphones and broadband, you are old

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 29 points 3 days ago

I personally am familiar with 2 organisations with millions of dollars in annual revenue that deploy critical line of business applications like this in 2024

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 8 points 4 days ago

Dry. Fermented. In a burlap sack.

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 34 points 5 days ago



[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 11 points 6 days ago

They are, but I think the question was more "does the increased speed of an SSD make a practical difference in user experience for immich specifically"

I suspect that the biggest difference would be running the Postgres DB on an SSD where the fast random access is going to make queries significantly faster (unless you have enough ram that Postgres can keep the entire DB in memory where it makes less of a difference).

Putting the actual image storage on SSD might improve latency slightly, but your hard drive is probably already faster than your internet connection so unless you've got lots of concurrent users or other things accessing the hard drive a bunch it'll probably be fast enough.

These are all Reckons without data to back it up, so maybe do some testing

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Weirdest episode of binging with babish

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 278 points 1 month ago

At some point every professional computer person - programmer, sysadmin, whatever - will seriously consider piling all their computers into a big pile, lighting them on fire, and moving to the country to start a new life making things with their hands

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 246 points 2 months ago

Don't forget that he also didn't found Tesla


The KDE 6 announcement says that

On prior versions you chose between either password or fingerprint authentication for the lockscreen. In Plasma 6, both are supported at the same time.

I've updated my Neon install, what do I need to do to enable this? I've set up a fingerprint through the user settings, but when the screen is locked I still have to use my password to unlock - there isn't a prompt, and touching the reader doesn't seem to do anything


I'm trying to find a thing, and I'm not turning up anything in my web searches so I figure I'd ask the cool people for help.

I've got several projects, tracked in Git, that rely on having a set of command line tools installed to work on locally - as an example, one requires Helm, Helmfile, sops, several Helm plugins, Pluto, Kubeval and the Kubernetes CLI. Because I don't hate future me, I want to ensure that I'm installing specific versions of these tools rather than just grabbing whatever happens to be the latest version. I also want to ensure that my CI runner grabs the same versions, so I can be reasonably sure that what I've tried locally will actually work when I go to deploy it.

My current solution to this is a big ol' Bash script, which works, but is kind of a pain to maintain. What I'm trying to find is a tool where I:

  • Can write a definition, ideally somewhere shared between projects, of what it means to "install tool X"
  • Include a file in my project that lists the tools and versions I want
  • Run the tool on my machine and let it go grab the platform- and architecture- specific binaries from wherever, and install them somewhere that I can add to my $PATH for this specific project
  • Run the tool in CI and do the same - if it can cache stuff then awesome

Linux support is a must, other platforms would be nice as well.

Basically I'm looking for Pythons' pip + virtualenv workflow, but for prebuilt tools like helm, terraform, sops, etc. Anyone know of anything? I've looked at homebrew (seems to want to install system-wide), and VSCode dev containers (doesn't solve the CI need, and I'd still need to solve installing the tools myself)

[-] RegalPotoo@lemmy.world 312 points 6 months ago

tl;dw - ed25519 keys are now the default

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