[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 34 points 5 months ago

This happens to me pretty frequently.

I think is alright, language is a bridge and sometimes we feel more comfortable speaking our native language than others. But I don't really mind speaking in English or Spanish with people I meet in Brazil. But the moment of realization that you are talking with another native speaker is always full of joy.

#feels-nice to speak with other bilingual or polyglots :)

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 13 points 6 months ago

Fuck it, from where I come from: people in agriculture get smacked just by existing or trying to build common cause with "let's end hunger in the world". I'm with you, salutations from America Latina ! And let's make those fuckers get what they deserve.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 40 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Man, capitalism is just fucking wild, isn't it?

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 16 points 7 months ago

Shit man, I feel this picture

submitted 7 months ago by Resonanz@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

Sharing some eco-anarchism for our solarpunk hommies.

BTW, a shout-out to the https://freetubeapp.io/ project.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Resonanz@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

Hey everyone, fellow anarchist. I just wanted to take a moment to celebrate:

  • Protestors all around the north stopped Israel help, thefore helping Palestines.
  • EZLN dynamism to adapt to ever-changing situations and a great sense of humor.
  • Protests Against Cop City in Atlanta helps counter-act authoritarianism in a country that historically has been the empire.
  • AANES/Rojava territories exist and keep on giving a great fight against all odds.
  • The Myanmar resistance against their fascist opponent where the alliance is giving them a run for their money.

I share this mostly because I'm are coming out of a very upsetting situation that I'm sure many people share.

To share the feeling that the world and our friends Solarpunks are imagining is being made in the middle of gardens where bullets fly like mosquitoes in the jungle. Too many. And it is always in our hands to take the necessary actions to put the seeds of empathy and international solidarity. To combat bigotry and hate speech while giving hope to those around us.

We are not saviors, not at all. People can only save themselves, and it is that friendly hand, the shoulder where you can cry, and the compañerxs you can trust who push and guide us to see in this significant penumbra.

So, l want to celebrate that you guys exist. You artists who imagine the future; you freedom-fighters; you who choose to identify as or decided to love a man, woman, or non-binary people; you workers who share their know-how; you parents who care for the future; you from the global south or north; you from whatever skin color you were born with: I celebrate you, and I applaud your work so far.

Let me know of any progress I may have missed in my message of individuals striving for autonomy and acknowledgment so that we can celebrate their achievements even more.

I hope you all have a great day, and remember that, at least from this geography of South America, at least one capybara is celebrating you.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 12 points 7 months ago

Just a clarification:

You will not be called a "bootlicker" because you support think cops are there to protect you. That's something reasonable to believe.

You will be called a "bootlicker" because you are in support of the state, which defends the interest of those in power (aka. political class, "the rich," bourgeoisie, etc) and its soldiers, which are cops.

I mean no harm; I'm not calling you a "bootlicker." You are a decent human just sharing your experience. I want to bring "the other side" perspective in a friendly way. I was thinking like you until I was at the other end of their macanas for helping other decent people.

The ACAB is a widespread movement in South America and has good reasons to exist since it is adjacent to Antifa. But the overall reason to hate cops is based on the argument that I explained before in a very brief way.

Since I abide by the movement, I invite you to check it out so you can engage more deeply in the conversation. For a starter, I may interest you in:

  • The excellent channel of Philosophy Tube (that has some fascinating videos of other topics, 10/10) and her video about How Police Make Up The Law (ft. LegalEagle) or this one Violence & Protest. Her work is highly focused on going in-depth to help you understand the arguments about various positions, such as philosophical dialogs, with a bit of theatrics to keep it interesting.
  • Or if you are shorter on time and are up for some more humor, check out Thought Slime video about "All Cops are Bad" where he navigates the subject.

And sorry for not sharing other voices outside the anglosphere who cover the topic. It is just that they don't speak English, so we can't understand each other.

Take care, fellow stranger.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 18 points 7 months ago

This one I think is not mad enough. At least compared with some jewels shared here hahaha

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 23 points 7 months ago

Why wait for Windows to change when you can get Linux? ;)

submitted 7 months ago by Resonanz@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

"Force is that which makes a thing of whoever submits to it. Exercised to the extreme, it makes the human being a thing quite literally, that is, a dead body. Someone was there and, the next moment, no one. The Iliad never tires of presenting us this tableau [...]

The force that kills is summary and crude. How much more varied in operation, how much more stunning in effect is that other sort of force, that which does not kill, or rather does not kill just yet. It will kill for a certainty, or it will kill perhaps, or it may merely hang over the being it can kill at any instant; in all cases, it changes the human being into stone. From the power to change a human being into a thing by making him die there comes another power, in its way more momentous, that of making a still living human being into a thing. He is living, he has a soul; he is nonetheless a thing. Strange being—a thing with a soul; strange situation for the soul! Who can say how it must each moment conform itself, twist and contort itself? It was not created to inhabit a thing; when it compels itself to do so, it endures violence through and through."

Simone Weil on her text about The Iliad, or The Poem of Force

I was introduced to Simone Weil and her thoughts on the force by a philosopher I admired when he spoke about this poem while discussing the war in Palestine with his audience. I find them to be profound. By far, it has been the definition of force I find more natural to talk about when I reflect on the nature of violence.

You guys might like it or discuss it.

Keep on fighting the good fight, fellow compañeros.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Resonanz@slrpnk.net to c/breadtube@lemmy.world

Hey everyone, I wanted to share Pantube for Spanish speakers around here. It's a collective effort by many content creators all around the internet. They are just beginning, so I want to help expose this project to the rest of the world :)

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 19 points 7 months ago

I think there is no reason to not lie at your resume while you are confident you can do the task. Most jobs out there are pretty BS anyway.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 19 points 7 months ago

4Chan makes my stomach hurt.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Resonanz@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

Our good compañero Andrewism just uploaded a new video about Solarpunk. In this case, he's covering plants and their many uses for our future solarpunk societies.

Hope you all enjoy it.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 18 points 7 months ago

Soon your crew will be serving sandwiches named after me (8)

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 14 points 10 months ago

Once you go FOSS, you never go back.

[-] Resonanz@slrpnk.net 23 points 10 months ago

Agree. And it is an unnecessary wall to go through for most people. Printing a Menu is really simple.

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