[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 2 months ago

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 4 months ago

Keep up the tough work comrade. I mainly lurk around but I do notice the reactionaries especially in the comments.

This is clearly a pro-marxist and anti-imperialist forums so the people who are posting reactionary comments are obviously doing so to disrupt the website.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You know the 1932 famine ended right? It didn’t go on forever. How do you think they stopped the famine and resupplied the grain shortage?

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 78 points 10 months ago

“All the people’s money is stolen to fund their endless wars! They are stolen so much that 18% of their populations remains houseless! The rest are price gouged most of their income! They’re dictators also price gouge healthcare! 45,000 are killed every year because they have nothing else to life gouge so lose their lives! They also have forced slave labor in their prisons! They overcharge people suspected of committing a crime so they scare them into plea bargaining and expand their amount of slaves! 1.2 million slaves!

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 10 months ago

The referendum did not include the states that already left (like the Baltic states and Armenia). Russia was the largest state but they actually were one of the lowest who voted to keep (above 70% I believe). The central Asian states voted the highest to keep the union (over 90%). Belarus and Azerbaijan were also very high.

The dissolution was not only illegal but clearly against the will of the people.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 10 months ago

The 1991 Soviet referendum. 77% of the population voted to keep the Soviet Union.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 10 months ago

Yes that is correct as well. Ukraine is going to be a much worse place and easily the poorest country in Europe.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 10 months ago

Your joke is actually spot on. I can’t count the number of people I spoke to who thinks that anyone can afford to rent a big apartment in Manhattan like in Friends or brand new 2023 cars easily affordable by anyone etc.

They don’t understand that most do not live that way and especially if you arrive as an immigrant. American entertainment media very rarely portrays the real struggles of working people. So when that is all someone sees of Americans, they become detached from the actual reality and think it’s just so easy for anyone.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 10 months ago

As long as European capitalists keep making money with the US, they’ll keep going as long as they like and they keep the people under control with western media. It will take a significant downturn even greater than this one for the people to unite and either overthrow their government or force it to break away from the US sphere of influence.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 10 months ago

Imagine if Ukraine had just followed the Minsk agreement? They would not have lost any further territory, no civilians bombed in Donbas, no thousands of their people marched to their deaths in a suicidal offensive. They would have been a trading hub between EU and Russia. And most of all, THERE WOULD BE PEACE!

Now they will lose big chunks of territory, have lost thousands of people, the economy is non-existent and destroyed infrastructure. The amount of blood in the hands of the Kiev regime is horrendous. They sacrificed their country to appease western capitalists. I really wish Ukrainians could understand what is going on and turn their guns against their government and put those people on trial for what they did.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 10 months ago

You’re spot on there. I think even the US war machine will stop its funding once not enough Russians are being killed. That was the whole point of provoking the war. To drain their manpower and resources with a long war. This counteroffensive seemed like it was their chance to take back territory and keep the war going. It failed really hard and I doubt they will be able to make another offensive this big. Russia will also soon have an offensive of their own with Ukraine now seemingly close to depleted. At that point the US will abandon them like all their other puppets who lost the proxy wars in the past.

Reminds me a lot of Guaido when he tried to stir an overthrow of Venezuela. It seemed like such a desperate move that had no chance of working but he was likely pressured to do so by the US since he wasn’t making any real gains in control of the government. After he failed, they gave up on stating he is the “real” Venezuelan president and moved on to their next target.

[-] Saint_Seiya91@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 10 months ago

Yes that’s all true. Regardless of how German engineers designed the tank, the war was already unwinnable for them by the time those tanks were deployed. They were notorious for having mechanical issues and many broke down before a battle would even start. The tiger was too expensive and too few were produced to make a difference in the war anyways. Nazi admirers are really dumb to boast about “master race” tank engineering when the supposedly inferior Soviets had more efficient tanks than Germany.

Efficiency is what wins wars. To be able to replenish your stockpiles quicker than you burn through them. This war is a prime example. Ukraine has received more than Russia’s entire military budget but are clearly not winning. They are burning through quicker than they can replenish. Russia’s military is far more efficient who are not relying on overpriced and over engineered military hardware.

Remember that Vietnam won their revolution despite the massive equipment difference.

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