
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Taking a quick look at the video (everything except actually watching it), the idea seems fine, CoD WWII really isn't a very good campaign and it seems like a fair comparison to make

Like, it's not like WaW isn't heroic, but it does focus more on the horrors of war than most other CoD games, and is a pretty big contrast from WWII which barely focuses on that at all and is full of goofy over-the-top action setpieces

I'd need to watch it to know (so I could be wrong), but it probably isn't about Soviets vs Americans either since WaW's American campaign isn't much different in tone from its Soviet campaign

I don't think World at War's some masterpiece like it's often made out to be, but it at least feels like it's got relatively a consistent tone

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

A similar PC capable of 4k60 is more than double the price of the ps5 pro.

I think that would depend on what you consider as "capable of 4K60", because the PS5 Pro will almost certainly be far less capable of that than a build that's double the price, especially since games that are already CPU-bound aren't going to get much better framerates if at all

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I really don't think an RX 6600 build would outperform the PS5 Pro at all, that doesn't line up with what I've heard at all

From what I've heard, an RX 7700 XT build might be pretty close though, and a basic build with one of those and a 5600 would be not that much more than a PS5 Pro, which does definitely go to show how crap the PS5 Pro price is (especially since that CPU is probably better than the one in the PS5 Pro)

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The regular PS5 isn't going anywhere, and you still won't be able to build an equivalent PC for near the same price as that, but the Pro is so much more expensive for relatively little gain that the price gap for that is pretty small, and on PC you'd get a better CPU too

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This costs nearly $1000 here in Canada (more after the disc drive and stand and tax), Sony's gone fuckin' nuts with the price on this thing

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

The literal only argument here is just "I don't have to use a bunch of Google tabs anymore because ChatGPT can lie to me all in one place!!" lmao

Like, the only way this works is if ChatGPT is literally always correct at all times (which will never be the case fundamentally), because otherwise it's even worse than the existing process of just using Google because it's just another step before you end up needing to do that anyway

This isn't even one of those "oh in the made-up future where ChatGPT is magically perfect, this will be useful, therefore we should support AI-bros right now so we can get there" types of things, this is just assuming that ChatGPT in its current form is somehow a good research tool which is just about the opposite of the case

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Not sure you're going to find a CoD that isn't American propaganda, even the WWII ones have propaganda as other people pointed out

Advanced Warfare has you end up fighting a genocidal megacorporation superpower run by an American (though you end up fighting alongside the US Army against it)

Infinite Warfare has you play as American but you're at least not fighting an existing enemy group, you're fighting against cartoonishly evil space fascists lol

Also, avoid Call of Duty WWII (the 2017 one), that one doesn't even have a Soviet campaign lol, it's rather hilarious how much that one goes straight to "America won WWII" when the older CoDs were pretty good about not doing that

I've played too much CoD so I can go on a lot about these games lol

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Deadpool & Wolverine falling behind in China is the least surprising thing possible, because even aside from the quality (I think it was okay but noticeably worse than the pretty enjoyable previous two), the movie is constantly making self-referential humor about the Disney acquisition of Fox (plus the MCU itself and various actors) and the plot revolves around characters from a bunch of different movies from ages ago, a lot of which I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even release in China to begin with

I think a lot of what made the first two Deadpool movies work was that even though they were in the existing X-Men movie universe, they were pretty standalone and you only needed to know the very basics of what X-Men is (there's superpowered people called mutants, they're discriminated against in society, there's a school that's a safe haven for them that has a superhero team called the X-Men)

Meanwhile, this movie is extremely reliant not just on having watched at least some X-Men movies as well as multiple unrelated Marvel film adaptations, but also movies and a Disney+ show from the MCU, you gotta be a hardcore Marvel movie fan to even understand it

...Also it's absolutely rich that the writer of this article is so concerned over Chinese films having ties to the state when basically every American blockbuster is directly involved with the military lmao

[–] 21 points 1 month ago

Ah yes, many people have given you long and detailed explanations of the history and context, while you just shove your fingers in your ears and go "Russia is the schoolyard bully and Ukraine is the little nerdy kid who had enough and swung back!!"

But everyone here is totally just circlejerking, right? Clearly except you, the wise and learned historian 🤣

[–] 33 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Pro-kids, more like pro-bombing kids

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

I use mine all the time, I love this thing even with its quirks

One of my favorite things about it is that it brings the full power of Steam Input (the input remapping system made for the Steam Controller and available for other controllers) to a handheld, I'm already a Steam Input diehard who plays as many games as possible with a controller so this is the best handheld for me, I've played a lot of games on here that normally use keyboard and mouse controls


Basically, for those of you here who ride a bicycle, what do you have in the way of bike infrastructure, and how pleasant/painful is it to cycle where you live? In my area, there's a small handful of mixed-use sidewalks (basically they made the sidewalk a bit wider, made it asphalt, and painted a yellow line down the middle) which are certainly better than nothing (especially better than painted bike gutters) but not really a connected bike network, it pains me to see how much could be done but isn't, it's not like there isn't the space or anything either

There's one of those paths nearby that's very useful to me for getting to a few shops, and getting there doesn't require cycling in the road very much, but going any farther requires me to cycle in traffic which sucks, thankfully the main street I'd be going down is still pretty residential so it's not too busy and isn't too fast (the sign's 50km/h, though tbf people do always go at least a bit over the limit), still feels dangerous though to have to rely on cars safely passing, especially when Canada absolutely has loads of large pickups and SUVs just like the US

The amount of hills in my area is also pretty troublesome, I had to get an e-bike just to be able to handle them at all, it's the only reason I'm even able to venture outside the neighborhood on this thing


This is pretty disastrous, the things Nintendo is suing over are things that apply to pretty much all emulators, it would be a very dangerous precedent to set if Nintendo were to win this one

And even if they don't win, it's still very shit that they're even able to use lawsuits as a scare tactic, that they can ruin people's lives even without needing to win

Also, daily reminder that "piracy equals lost sales" is nothing but corporate propaganda, often it's the opposite actually:

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