[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 weeks ago

Amazing. I've been 'staring' at the sys rq key for 20 years with Linux and many years before with Win/Dos, and never really knew how it worked, for what, or if it was still used for anything - even then.

Apparently (from light search) sysreq was mostly used in the old days to halt current job and enter a systems menu.

Anyway, thanks for fixing a long-standing knowledge gap :-)

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 8 points 3 weeks ago

Over time I've seen several groups tinker with p2p protocols for packages. Latest using gnunet/ipfs for Guix packages. But I've never seen a working/integrated system. Weird..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 6 points 1 month ago

Just to add: Even if we can replace the energy from diminishing fossils with nuclear etc, there are still a huge forest/mountain of essential technology and products that are reliant on fossils, and they won't be replaced by anything. I can recommend Nate Hagens on YT for more on the 'energy blindness' issue, and what it means for our civilization to lose the last.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 7 points 2 months ago

Cool info, but maybe the title is a bit ambiguous? Anyway:

'Deep-sea corals dating back a staggering 540 million years may have been the original pioneers of bioluminescence. This discovery challenges previous assumptions, pushing back the timeline of when animals first began to emit light.'

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 months ago

Noob-warning ;)

Looks pretty cool. It almost gives a desktop-workspace vibe and seems way smarter than me flipping through my 6-10 session tabs.

Does someone know if Zellij run ontop of bash, fish etc, or is it a shell replacement ? I hopped to Guix and would rather not dive too deep atmo with changing shells and so on. Also, is it possible to control with mouse ? I often lean back and do things with a mouse and prefer both options if possible.

Never got around to using mux, but this seems nice.


[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 months ago

Damn, they are funded by 'Blockchain founders', so it won't take long before it's just another crapcoin project. They seem heavily invested in just creating their own business and focusing the possibility of letting everybody trade with everybody else (same as in real life). I think they 'embrace' open source because they are property-fanatics, but are openly/actively promoting proprietary/property crap directly in their developer/game world. What happens with openness and free mobility for users when they start making money ? Are they gonna lock-in their users ?

I'm interested in a free open source community where shit is free, nobody gets special threats, and everybody can participate without having to pull out their wallet, not a badly masked for profit sandbox. Their idea are inconsistent (bad property=biz, good property=private) and are already infected with coin crap, proprietary (non-federated) services from them (marketplace), a future conflict of interest between users/investors, and an archaic pro biz/capitalist attitude, I'm out..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 8 points 4 months ago

Every single Capitalist model or corporation will do this deliberately with all their AI integration. ALL corporations will censor their AI integration to not attack the corporation or any of their strategic 'interests'. The Capitalist elite in the west are already misusing wokeness (i'm woke) to cause global geo-political splits and all western big tech are following the lead (just look at Gemini), so they are all biased towards the fake liberal narrative of super-wokeness, 'democracy'/freedumb, Ukraine good, Taiwan not part of China, Capitalism good and all the other liberal propaganda and bs. Its like a liberal cancer that infects all AI tools. Nasty.

Agree or disagree with that, but none of us probably want elite psychopaths to decide what we should think/feel about the world, and its time to ditch ALL corporate AI services and promote private, secure and open/free AI - not censored or filled with liberal dogmas and artificial ethics/morals from data to finetuning.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 months ago

I think AI exposes how little trust people have in Capitalist organizations.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 7 points 4 months ago

remindme! 2 years

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 6 points 4 months ago

You accidentally mix metrics and the old feet system, so a quick public service for the meter-fans: 170 feet is nearly 52 meters, and 220 feet is 67 meters.

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 months ago

Oh man, I almost shot myself in my foot here :) I saw an announcement about it a year ago, and wanted to throw you a link. However, I simply could not recall name, link or where I saw it. The official site didn't mention it, so it took me 30 minutes to find this: https://github.com/SolidOS/solidos (Yeah!! I feel like Lemmy Hero right now :-D )

I wanted to try it out and integrate the SOLID login system in Guix, but unfortunately got caught up with something else. If you decide to play around, I would be very interested in hearing about your experiences. Cheers bro..

[-] Sims@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago

Finally some solid Science ! The Psychology of Melons on death-row are not getting enough attention. Thank you Sir !

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