
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

In fairness, it’s basically on-demand campaigns. So it probably depends very very heavily where you are. I looked though the reviews.

Admittedly their onboarding could be better, but it’s fast (2 days from interview to start), just during any given campaign season most people are learning for a while, the campaign swells ahead of the Election Day and then almost everyone goes back to whatever else they were doing. They do have a core HR team to handle important stuff like getting paid.

And yeah, canvassing is long hours, but it is still well paid for what they ask of you.

[–] 4 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (6 children)

I’m interested in learning the context here.

Because modernity also hates women and I guess I’m ignorant but.. weren’t there options for women then..? Like midwife/doula-type things, herbalist/witch, spinster/seamstress-clothier?

Potentially more than they could have in modern history?

[–] 5 points 21 hours ago

-.- you've just described a significant portion of my home remodeling….


I think I need to learn new skills…

[–] 10 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

If you live in a swing state, or can temp relocate to a swing state, and want to get paid for progressive outreach (who really has the luxury to volunteer? Not me..) Check out

I’ve worked with them in 2020 and presently. That link doesn’t give me any bonuses, but they do have recruitment incentives if you have friends to get involved. Pay is decent, and they offer insurance on day 1. It’s obviously a limited term contract, but if you need funds, it’s a great way to get income and make a difference at the same time!

[–] 4 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I’m slightly upset the person is not named Joan. Joan’s bones sounds a lot better than Jon’s bones.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

She looks like what happens when you try to put a knock-off Barbie’s head on to an actual Barbie frame, and you push it down far enough to engage the swivel disc but there isn’t the proper lip for it so the head ends up super far down the neck, with the chin jutting out awkwardly.

(This is 25+ year old reference material so may no longer be applicable)

[–] -2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I absolutely didn’t acknowledge that it isn’t the intent, I said it may not be.

I absolutely think that is the intent and I find those communities to be gross and have them all blocked.

You are so weirdly defensive about it. Almost like you know a lot of people find it highly questionable and they may have a point. If you think every anime fan is into that crap, you are very sorely mistaken, and if you don’t, you are using inapplicable generalizations to make a point and that’s just deceptive.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I’m with you on this. That may not be the intent, but it sure as hell is the vibe they give off.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

I do this with my spider plant pups 💜 one of the flower stalk things almost reached my counter, so dangly!

And I give people cuttings of my Mini Tradescantia whenever I have enough rooted to pot them. “Here have a cute easy plant! Water it every other week, and turn it regularly, maybe fertilize it someday, cuz it’s planted in coco coir, but doesn’t seem to care that much.. No it doesn’t really seem to matter how much light it gets, tho the brighter, the more pink..”

[–] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The focus on seniors (from pick your poison politician) is fine and all.. I realize a lot of people are seniors, and they are reliable voters and stuff.

Seriously though, I’m so fucking tired of hearing about what seniors will/could get from the next term, and this isn’t a lot better. There’s some good stuff, but cmon, you aren’t actually going to sway entrenched old people no matter what you give them.

I love sanders, I went to see him speak a few months back when he was at a union hall locally. But this country is mostly -not- old people. We really need to stop catering to them, at our own expense.

I’m almost 40. I don’t give a flying fuck into a rolling donut about seniors compared to the entirety of the working class. You know, the people making all their entitlements solvent? They fucked it up already, and they had their chance to fix it many many times since. As a generation, they fucking failed to do anything meaningful for us, their progeny, why should we prostrate ourselves to them? They are going to fucking die soon, and while we should absolutely take proper care of them…. (So please don’t misunderstand this rage)


(Full disclosure, I’m presently a canvasser for the Harris/Walz ticket, and I’ve talked to a lot of old people who only give a fuck about what it means for them. They have kids, they have grandkids, but their only concern is why they get out of it, and that’s fucking disgusting. I hate talking to those selfish assholes. I do it because it’s my job, but holy shit do I just want to say “cool story, bro” and walk away. Also those fuckers don’t shut up about what they want. Don’t care grandpa, you aren’t even part of the economy anymore except what they can extract from your estate to keep you alive, so your kids get nothing..)

[–] 12 points 4 days ago

I oppose this candidate on the mandatory naps. Idk what else they stand for but that’s a big turn off for me, as a single-issue voter.

I can’t nap. Naps are literally nightmare fuel for me, in that every time I nap I have horribly realistic and super vivid nightmares.

I’m gunna start the anti-napping coalliance to defeat this absolute whacko. Preserve freedom!!!

(The nightmares bit is true, the rest is in jest)

[–] 6 points 4 days ago

I’m not going to look it up, but I’m curious about the hyphenated last name.

Is he married and took his wife’s name as part of his own (progressive!) or did his parents do that (also progressive, but makes one wonder where he fell off the tree)?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I have very very old power tools. I cannot afford new ones. The problem is, if I’m being totally honest, I’m largely afraid of the tools I have. I’d like to get over this. How does one do that without direct supervision?

More info: I inherited tools from my parents and grandparents. Things I could afford to replace, like drills and drivers, I did. What I have left are big bladed things (chop saw, table saw, tile saw, etc. no lathe sadly :( ) None of the users of these specific tools are still alive. They are all probably 30+ years old, and work fine, probably, but… are just super intimidating (tho my grandfather had a lot of pre-electrification manual tools and I love those - So nice to take a manual plane to a solid door and end up with something that closes properly!). Some of them have plugs that screw together so you can repair them and everything (those I probably won’t use, absolutely terrifying if you fuck up). I’m mid 30s so I remember most of these things being used but I also remember the table saw I have in my garage taking off half my step-dads thumb..

I know power tools today are built to be a lot safer, but I definitely can’t afford those (I wouldn’t even be able to afford these but they were free for me), and I don’t know anyone with power tool skills (last learning I got was in hs shop class almost 20 years back) so how do I get comfortable with them enough to actually use them for the little projects I need them for? I don’t live in a big metro area, so there aren’t clubs afaik.

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