[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

If the grass is laying flat against the ground, I guess. But it usually just leans. Either way, this is outside the scope of my statement.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago

From the side, the blades obscure the dirt. Either that, or my neighbor's grass really is greener.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago

This could have ruined someone's Friday! Good thing it's not Friday any more. I approve.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 14 points 6 days ago

Nah, it's just an absurd scenario. Sometimes the curtains are just blue.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 7 points 6 days ago

It's called touching your toes. Look it up.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 114 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

To be fair, I'd be skeptical if you told me Andy Griffith was the father of 3D printing.

Though I'd google it instead of asking for evidence first.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 93 points 2 months ago

Can't get up until it moves, that's they rules

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 95 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The name of Six Grandfathers represents six ancestral deities of the Native Americans, personified as the six directions (cardinal + up and down.) The US and the Lakota Sioux were at war due to US expansion, but then they made a treaty in 1868 promising the Sioux exclusive use of the Black Hills and Six Grandfathers forever.

Of course, US history being what it is, they had another war in 1876, and seized the land in 1877, because of the gold rush. I couldn't find any mention of bounty hunters, but it was a war.

Mount Rushmore was named after Charles E. Rushmore, but it was named by his guide Bill Challis. Charles asked Bill what the mountain was called, and Bill said it didn't have a name, so he named it Mount Rushmore.

The monument at Mount Rushmore was inspired by a Confederate monument in Stone Mountain, Georgia. They got Gutzon Borglum, the same guy who made the other one, to be the sculptor for Mount Rushmore. Gutzon had ties to the KKK, who had funded the Stone Mountain monument, but wasn't technically a member himself.

The original plan for Mount Rushmore was made by Jonah LeRoy "Doane" Robinson, who wanted it to represent "not only the wild grandeur of its local geography but also the triumph of western civilization over that geography through its anthropomorphic representation." Ouch.

Interestingly, he didn't plan to use presidents initially, but instead Old West characters such as Lewis and Clark, Red Cloud, Sacagawea, John C. Fremont, and Crazy Horse. Gutzon shot that down and opted for presidents instead. So basically if it weren't for that guy, we could have had Native Americans on Mount Rushmore.

I couldn't find any evidence of KKK funding for Mount Rushmore, but it did receive private funding, so that's a possibility. Federal funding only game when Gutzon invited Calvin Coolidge to a dedication ceremony, at which he promised it.

So while the truth was almost as bad, this post isn't entirely accurate. You don't like it when the Republicans spread misinformation. Being a communist is no license to do the same.

Source: Wikipedia.

EDIT: After reading the article and Snopes page linked by ZombiFrancis...

  • President Grant did order the army not to protect the natives. There were orders that the Black Hills shouldn't be occupied, and he didn't rescind those orders, but he did order the army not to stop miners from going in anyways.
  • Bounty hunting was a thing, but there isn't much evidence to point to it being a thing during this war. Much less funded by the government, as they already had soldiers to kill the natives with.
  • Gutzon Borglum left the Stone Mountain project due to KKK infighting, and they weren't exactly happy to see him work on Mount Rushmore instead, so it's actually unlikely that they would have funded it - but still a possibility.
[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 89 points 7 months ago

All 9 dogs begin barking at the window together.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 196 points 8 months ago

"I was just informed you weren't on the morning stand up call this morning" implies that this person wasn't there either.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 83 points 8 months ago

Wholesome, but not a meme.

[-] Sotuanduso@lemm.ee 63 points 9 months ago

Fixed that for you:

The same meme but they both wash their hands.

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