[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 4 points 23 hours ago

Welp, if Butch Cassidy over there can’t be a police person anymore, maybe karma will catch up to him & he’ll catch a hot cop slug in the forehead for no good reason too.

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 24 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There’s a special, extra-fuckin-hot area of space in Hell for worthless pieces of shit like this. Typically, I find the death penalty to be a bit too much, but for these two chunks of fetid rat shit, I feel like I could be pretty easily convinced to support an exception here… ideally if it’s in a similar way to how they treated those poor children.


“Breakdancing demons”

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 32 points 2 weeks ago

Somebody actually woke up one morning & thought, “Man, I know everyone’s convinced Dolly’s such a great person… how can I quickly cement that idea even further publicly & make myself look like an even bigger douche at the exact same time?!”

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 56 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly, at this point, he & Alito both are essentially throwing us the finger & daring anyone to really do anything about it.

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 29 points 1 month ago

Oh god dammit, I just spent the time & effort to look Scotland to Turkey on Google Maps (to make sure before I talked shit) and I was all ready… then I saw which sub this is in.

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 88 points 1 month ago

No matter how old this post is, overall, it’s such a simple, but utter evisceration of the initial person’s ignorant statement


Just like in all of the history books

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

This time, survival is the udder-most of importance

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

“Who needs a union anyways (I certainly hope you don’t)? We’re like a family here (and you’re the help) & your hard work will pay off (for me) in the long run, I’m sure of it (because it’s a tried & true process of subjugation)!”

Edit: quotes

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 51 points 2 months ago

Your first mistake was not getting a job with a lifetime appointment… bet you’re kicking yourself now, huh bub?

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 73 points 3 months ago

“Spoiled, racist child of privilege has hissy when he’s asked adult questions not pertaining to how awesome he is”

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 40 points 6 months ago

Tax these trash heaps!

[-] TheAuthor_13@lemm.ee 77 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Except Panera’s not even in the same league when it comes to completely unnecessary deaths… religion/ church has millennia & millions up on Panera.

Edit: Panera also has far less sweaty-palmed, Father Feelgood kiddie-diddling accusations as well.

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