
joined 2 years ago

Same shit as the US, lmao

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I got 11 upvotes on a Ho Chi Minh quote in the clown shoes thread. Was that all you guys?

"Woke" was originally a word in the US black community to refer to people who were class conscious. Specifically to be aware of cooptation and trickery by the bourgeoisie and police. Ironically, like a lot of black slang, it was coopted by whites and its meaning was changed to suit their interests.

Due to the association with activists, it came to mean progressivism, then liberalism, and by that point had fallen out of favor by its original users. Now it just means "thing me no like" for conservatives.


So much winning, folks



submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Also, use Linux, nerds.


Do not allow yourselves to be split along vectors of oppression. Our intersections are stronger together.



[–] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (15 children)

proletarians would end up having to crush them and dispose of their unprincipled practices, right?

This cracker mentality is exactly why they don't take marxists seriously.

they are not trying to build any kind of solidarity with other colonized people in Mexico

They will if those people try to do things their own way, but as it stands they have enough on their plate holding their own border (similar to Cuba, which sends aid but not soldiers due to US pressure). It's like asking a starving man why he won't donate to charity while doing nothing yourself, and why Galeano calls out the Basque revolutionaries who pointed a finger while failing to take root in their own territory. They haven't shown they can do the work, while the EZLN has. You are the chauvinist he is addressing in his letter.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (17 children)

Their ideology is in their indigeneity. They do study western leftist currents, but don't see them as their own movement. Rather, they see the proletarian struggle (as colonizers with colonizer class interests) as something separate from their struggle against colonization by the mexican federal government. They welcome Mexicans to engage in their own struggle, but believe it will be a fundamentally different thing with different aims. Proletarians do not understand the EZLN's aims or ideology in such a way that a communist state would necessarily be compatible. The EZLN sees global communism as a noble goal to end imperialist hegemony, but they don't believe a proletarian communist state will automatically consider their interests in the same way they currently can manage under self governance. For them to integrate, respect would have to be earned.

While we are on the subject of rebellious indigenous peoples, a parenthesis would be in order: the Zapatistas believe that in Mexico recovery and defence of national sovereignty are part of the anti-liberal revolution. Paradoxically, the ZNLA finds itself accused of attempting to fragment the Mexican nation.

The reality is that the only forces that have spoken for separatism are the businessmen of the oil-rich state of Tabasco, and the Institutional Revolutionary Party members of parliament from Chiapas. The Zapatistas, for their part, think that it is necessary to defend the nation state in the face of globalisation, and that the attempts to break Mexico into fragments are being made by the government, and not by the just demands of the Indian peoples for autonomy. The ZNLA and the majority of the national indigenous movement want the Indian peoples not to separate from Mexico but to be recognised as an integral part of the country, with their own specificities. They also aspire to a Mexico which espouses democracy, freedom and justice. Whereas the ZNLA fights to defend national sovereignty, the Mexican Federal Army functions to protect a government which has destroyed the material bases of sovereignty and which has offered the country not only to large-scale foreign capital, but also to drug trafficking.

Zapatistas have won the right to the word: to say what we want to, about what we want to, when we want to. And for this we do not have to consult with or ask permission from anyone. Not from Aznar, nor the king Juan Carlos, nor the judge Garzo’n, nor ETA.

We know that the Zapatistas don’t have a place in the (dis) agreement of the revolutionary and vanguard organizations of the world, or in the rearguard. This doesn’t make us feel bad. To the contrary, it satisfies us. We don’t grieve when we recognize that our ideas and proposals don’t have an eternal horizon, and that there are ideas and proposals better suited than ours. So we have renounced the role of vanguards and to obligate anyone to accept our thinking over another argument wouldn’t be the force of reason.

Our weapons are not used to impose ideas or ways of life, rather to defend a way of thinking and a way of seeing the world and relating to it, something that, even though it can learn a lot from other thoughts and ways of life, also has a lot to teach. We are not those who you have to demand respect from. It’s already been seen how we are a failure of “revolutionary vanguards” and so our respect wouldn’ t be useful for anything. Your people are those you have to win respect from. And “respect” is one thing; another very distinct thing is “fear”. We know you are angry because we haven’t taken you seriously, but it is not your fault. We don’t take anyone seriously, not even ourselves. Because whoever takes themselves seriously has stopped with the thought that their truth should be the truth for everyone and forever. And, sooner or later, they dedicate their force not so that their truth will be born, grow, be fruitful and die (because no earthly truth is absolute and eternal) rather they use it to kill everything that doesn’t agree with this truth.




On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor those taken from our communities, we celebrate their lives, and we root ourselves in our collective resilience.

Our community is incredibly strong. In the face of systemic violence, trans people continue to survive and thrive. We support and celebrate each other while working hard to achieve our dreams.

Our new Remembrance Report centers the humanity and individuality of trans people whose lives were stolen by violence. Whenever possible, we’ve included snapshots of their lives, often shared by their loved ones.

In Texas, DeeDee Hall was a 37-year-old Black trans woman whose family described her as “always helping people” and full of life.” In Vermont, 29-year-old Fern Feather - who used both she/her and they/them pronouns - worked at a farm-to-table café. She was a white trans woman who always wore a wildflower in their hair.

Stories like these show trans people as unique and worthy human beings. In particular, we honor the memory of Black trans women like Keshia Chanel Geter, who was a dedicated advocate for the LGBTQ community in her home state of South Carolina. Only 26 years old, her loved ones said she “inspired people everywhere she went” and “touched the lives of many.”

Since last November, we know of 47 transgender people whose lives were taken from us. 38 of those individuals – each of them a person with inherent human dignity – were lost since the start of 2022.

Unfortunately, data on violence in our community is often underreported, difficult to capture, and fails to represent the fullness of our humanity. Trans people are frequently deadnamed, or misidentified, by law enforcement. Within our community, we also know that trans women of color, and especially Black trans women, face an alarming and unacceptable amount of violence. Trans women made up 85% percent of those taken from us, and 70% of those trans women were Black.

State governments and extremist politicians across the country are attempting to weaponize disinformation and persecute trans people and our families. We have a political climate that has exploded with anti-trans legislation, policy, and rhetoric. In the leadup to last week’s election, extremists spread lies about trans people, denigrating our community and stoking fear in people who simply don’t understand what it means to be trans.

These actions contribute to a deeply unsafe environment for trans people and their families – some of whom have had to flee their home states just to get the medical care they need. Over 25% of the trans people we lost to violence were located in Texas and Florida – two states which saw dozens of anti-trans legislative and administrative actions. Even hospitals where trans people access gender-affirming care have received serious threats, and violence against trans people overall has increased in recent years.

No one should have to fear violence or mourn lost loved ones.

We honor the loved ones we’ve lost to violence and celebrate those who are still here. We speak up loudly about the disparities we face in hopes that others will see and understand. We lift up the voices of the most marginalized in our community, understanding that together, we will all rise.

No matter what, trans people across the nation deserve to live safe, healthy, and authentic lives.

Trans people are vital parts of our communities. The trans experience is about far more than violence and statistics. We are brilliant, we are beautiful, and we are full of joy. Our lives have meaning. We matter.

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