[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 43 points 6 months ago

Sorry, chief. We don't do nuanced thought in this community.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 41 points 6 months ago

Just gotta wait 5+ years for the initial release to be playable. And it will be on sale by then!

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 162 points 8 months ago

But also, like, dancing with your friends shouldn't ruin your future because your school system imposes their religious values as a moral "code".

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 166 points 8 months ago

Yes, but now it's less accessible, costs more, and is less transparent so companies can astroturf easier.

But it's better because they're totally 100% looking at ways to share the revenue with the communities as soon as possible. Definitely one of the top priorities without a doubt.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 240 points 8 months ago

Then stop already. Stop mentioning the name. Stop posting articles about it. Stop sharing articles about it on other social media.

You know what's immoral? Posting ragebait articles about a platform because you know users will engage.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 48 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

See "every Hallmark TV movie". High powered female executive from the big city ends up in a rural town because of family/friend/work, falls in love with local stud and small town life, quits and moves to small town, cut and wrap.

This is 3/4 of their production and it works because it draws in the urban women who actually dream of this and the rural women who want to believe they're living a dream and all city folk are jealous of them.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 81 points 9 months ago

You want pedantic? Those are wind turbines, champ. Windmills are used to mill grain, no matter how many people like yourself try to bastardize the term to apply to anything that rotates with air.

What's next for you people, pinwheels are now windmills?

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 53 points 9 months ago

This would be an amazing game for Steam Deck, assuming it runs well. I'm in if they hit the mark.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 43 points 9 months ago

Why are there so many of you fuckers out here that think peanuts grow on trees.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 81 points 9 months ago

No 96 year old is mentally fit to perform such an essential function with long-term implications. Just retire already.

The statement that she is writing opinions just as quickly as 2018 is particularly funny when it's her clerks doing the majority of the work.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago

The late fees are usually miniscule and they act as a deterrent to keep people from holding onto the same book for an extended period with zero repercussions.

[-] TheMauveAvenger@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

OP can master that rule today, won't make a damn bit of difference with a 2 year old around.

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