
joined 1 week ago
[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

If so, then here’s my opinion: If you own or manage a shop, bar, club, gym, etc., it’s reasonable to ban someone because they aren’t the sort of person you want in your establishment. Maybe they make you or your other customers uncomfortable.

I disagree with this specific aspect. I believe there should be reasons required to ban someone. Not just because you own the place and don't want them in your place as they make you/other customers uncomfortable.

As you state above, we have had to add protections for certain groups in the past as this is literally the justification for segregation in the past. But it's still relevant as it's the reason homeless people (for example) en masse aren't allowed in public places in the present, even if they're good people who have done nothing wrong. We also see it being abused with the allowance of a few "good ones" from said protected class to avoid discrimination claims while still discriminating against the rest of said class.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

So a .ML user posted a rant about bans, seemingly from real world establishments based on the wording, in a .ML group, and you felt it would make you seem normal to come in and take the opportunity to assume he was talking about .ML members being banned from other communities and to complain about .ML users?


[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Does Cruz care about his family though? Or just use them for a different type of grift?

Trump said his dad killed JFK and his wife is ugly and Cruz started slobbing his knob right after.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

"Skyrim? You mean stealth archer simulator?"

[–] 41 points 6 days ago (11 children)

This is doubly effective as it starts the process of manufacturing consent for war on the 3rd front (Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia).

North Korea has already recognized the wests push for war as revealed by their statement yesterday.

Yet those comfortable in the imperial core will continue to insist nothing ever happens.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Doesn't he notoriously do a lot of drugs?

He's definitely addicted to ketamine or cocaine.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)


His brand is bad memes.

The car into space and buying twitter were big memes. The cybertruck might have started serious but he definitely knows it's a meme by now.

He will 100% do some other absolutely stupid and ridiculously expensive meme, just because he can.

[–] 25 points 6 days ago (1 children)

It's like our version of the roman empire.

[–] 32 points 6 days ago

Ukraine should make peace because the only way the war ends is with making peace.

Taiwan should take notes on how the west revel in the destruction of your country continuing indefinitely so long as they perceive it as harming their enemies as well.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Me and who? (I'll be the bear)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Would it, though?

As opposed to the other more pessimistic option of pre-nazi Germany? Absolutely. The first victims of the Holocaust were communists and socialists.

Tsarism was very harsh against socialists.

Maybe we'll see similar things in the near future with the rise of the far right, but fortunately we're not there yet.

I can only speak as an American because I don't know the specifics of other countries (though I would imagine it's decently similar for most western countries), but we already had early socialist movements and leaders who were arrested/ assassinated.

The reason we don't currently have socialists being arrested (outside of standard arrest for direct protest/disruption obviously) and killed is purely because we don't have socialists with enough power to make it worth it to target them, not because of some principled stance which places us in a better context than the past.

We will see these harsh oppressions with the rise of the left, the right already has the power and just needs something to react to. it's important to recognize this imo.

In fact, we're seeing the stagnation of the capitalist west, and the boom of (arguably) communist China.

Yes, this is why I specified in the west. Fascism is capitalism in decay, western capitalism is decaying, therefore it's easy to believe we are closer to facsism and potentially a death cry (desperately initiating a WW3) in the west than many are willing to recognize.

Obviously it's great that China is in such a position of power for the global south, but they aren't gonna start exporting revolution to the west any time soon.

the world is going to change a lot thanks to the loss of hegemony of the west, and that brings great possibilities for us commies in my opinion

I agree that the global change with be great for the international communist movement. Just as the time period around WW2 was ripe for revolution.

The Soviets building strength and beating the Nazis didn't change history and bring the KPD and all its members back.

But it's equally important to remember, the KPD didn't stop fighting due to pessimistic fear either.

We don't need a radical optimism or to be filled with pessimism imo. We just need to recognize the reality of the situationand what needs to be done. Then take the proper precautions and be willing to do it, despite whatever we believe the outcome may be, because it needs to be done.

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