[-] Witch@beehaw.org 9 points 11 months ago

My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I'm hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.

Got two viewings this week.

submitted 1 year ago by Witch@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Playing around with PeppermintOS on a "new " old laptop, and having fun. Its making me realize that tiny things can really work to impress. (Especially when you're waiting on a ram upgrade, haha!)

Could be terminal based or GUI, I'm just curious---what tiny apps do you use that you think are neat? Things that don't take up much storage or memory.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

Having just a teensy bit of a nervous breakdown reevaluating my life choices the night before a job interview.

Gonna try to get to sleep, though.

submitted 1 year ago by Witch@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Hi yall after being on disability income for years and job searching for months I finally got to step two of the job search process: a job interview.

I am wondering if anyone had any tips for the job interview process? I am very nervous.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Jam the Housnail.

I thought for the longest time it was a fever dream. That it didn't exist. I could never find it anything related to the godforsaken thing on any Canadian channels list of cartoons they aired. My family thinks I am joking when I mention how horribly this show plagued my thoughts over this years, but I had been searching for a decade.

Anyway apparently it's from Japan and I probably watched it on Veoh or something, because it's on my anime list now and I finally found out what it was called last year.


[-] Witch@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

Not really.

I like witchy stuff but only if its considerable to placebos. A rose quartz bracelet, for example, might not be scientifically going to attract love and good fortune---but its cute and makes me happy, so who knows, THAT might help.

If I had to choose a religion though, I'd probably go with one of those polytheist religions because ever since I was a kid and first went to a church camp, I decided that a singular "God" scares the shit out of me. I basically considered "God" too overpowered and decided that wasn't for me.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago

Not going well but I am not without hope either.

My mom didn't get approved for social assistance so I'm crunching numbers on our budget for the next month or so.

Brought out the instant pot and made some nice black beans, which I turned into black bean burgers. 😋

Switched from Pop OS to Linux Mint, liking the experience so far. Not as cute as Pop OS was, but I like the interface and the battery alerts and sound effects. So it's not bad.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

After roughly five hours of phone calls, on Friday I somehow managed to get a lead on getting my mother back on social assistance. We have an appointment tomorrow for her to apply. I'm hoping that the application actually goes through and we don't once again get told to screw off.

I'm gonna be exhausted this week!! I have so many appointments.

submitted 1 year ago by Witch@beehaw.org to c/food@beehaw.org

Oats, rice, beans, pancake mix, those gross canned peas...to anyone who has been to a food bank, this is a non-exhaustive list of things that tend to be staples in their pantry.

So my question is this, to anyone who has been to a food bank:

What are some meals that you've been pleasantly surprised when you made them out of the most common ingredients you got from the food bank?

For me, it's probably really simple black bean burgers.

Cook up some canned black beans, mash them while warm. When they're colder throw in some breadcrumbs and an egg, mash them more, add whatever spices you like, and then form them into burgers. Fry them with whatever oil or margarine or butter that you happen to have that week. Ketchup is surprisingly good on these.

I eat them on bread usually, since if I'm going to the food bank that week I probably don't have the money for buns and food banks here offer buns rarely.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Pretty good!

I dusted off my Beehaw account from when I left Twitter and I'm having lots of fun talking to you all in comparison to a lot of sites. I installed Linux and I'm enjoying playing with all the neat new software. Currently tinkering with templates in Zim Wiki while I wait for my potatoes to cook. I also got introduced to a few low-end games I never would've known about normally and I definitely plan on trying some out.

I was wondering if the site was being buggy haha. Saw that my comments took a while to post and had to refresh.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Hahaha. Ha. God, I hate Outlook.

Can I ask what exactly ffmpeg does? I'm actually very, very new to video creation as a whole. I'm one of those folks that last touched a video creator back in the days of Windows Movie Maker. It seems to be a command line script, but is there any GUI for it?

I wanted a software that lets me write text on a blank paper, and Libre Office does that. Therefore, it's already a solid replacement. 10/10.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

2102/6001 so far.

RIP /r/IllegallySmolCats.

submitted 1 year ago by Witch@beehaw.org to c/betterment@beehaw.org

Hi everyone! Saw the announcement and immediately ran here.

My question is this: do any of you have any goals that you've been actively working on?

For me, I've been trying to work on my GED that I abandoned a decade ago. Signed up for courses and everything.

Another thing I am trying to learn is more about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and how that can help me learn how to cope with stress.

Finally, I have major ADHD so I've been trying to do note-taking in my day to day life. Started journaling, taking notes on Youtube videos I watch that I think are important for me to remember, habit tracking, so forth.

How about you? What are you trying to do to better yourself?

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 14 points 1 year ago

I wonder where the fandoms and the artist communities are going to go now that they just opened the floodgates for the massive amount of harassment those communities tend to deal with.

I presume some are going to return to Tumblr, but hopefully they make the switch to Mastodon.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

Surprisingly, I installed Calibre on Linux and for some reason it just looks...better on Linux? Not sure if its because it opened up in default dark mode or what, but it doesn't look as ugly when I'm using it on Pop_OS. Feels at home, really.

I will say its definitely a beast. I've used it a few times but I never really went in depth with it's features. I'm definitely liking the bulk tag editing, the shop search (I've been looking for a way to search DRM-free books and it has it!), and the default tags. The last one is mainly because I think getting a tag called "mentally ill women" for The Yellow Wallpaper is a little funny.

[-] Witch@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

MVP right here. Appreciated! Downloading it right now.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Witch@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hi everyone! So I've recently switched to Linux and I'm having a lot of fun downloading software and replacing my old stuff with it. I'm wondering what you all use?

My switched softwares:

Obsidian -> Logseq - Obsidian is great and all but I think Logseq is also competent in its own way even without plugins. I am currently exploring templates to create my own daily journal/habit tracker like I did in Obsidian.

Word/Notepad -> LibreOffice - Seems to have a lot of options. Currently using the writer software for quick notes.

Canva -> Inkscape - I am aware that Canva is a website/android app, but I decided to switch from it to Inkscape by utilizing open source illustrations such as Undraw for graphics needs. I still need to look up tutorials on how to use it properly, though!

Clip Studio Paint -> Krita - I actually made this switch a month or two ago, but I'm really enjoying Krita a lot more than I ever did Clip Studio Paint. Less things to get distracted by, giving you more chances to learn how to utilize the essentials.

Things I'd like to explore in more detail:

  • Thunderbird as a calendar/email/task software
  • Whether or not I should stick with Calibre for book management
  • Kdenlive as a video creating program. I haven't created videos before, but it seems fun.

How about you? What do you enjoy?

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