Trump blew up one of Irans top military guys while president.
Does this include people who don't post or comment much?
I really like project farm on YouTube. He tests different brands side by side
As a Christian I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. The Bible says your actions are not what get you into heaven but will prove to others where your aligence lies.
You should look up how much nitrogen there is naturally in normal air.
I'll have to give this a shot!
I second this
I agree with you but not everyone has the same thought process as us. I've explained it to my entire family and I always end up "fixing it". My family doesn't care about alternatives because they dont like things to change. "Why learn something new when the old way still works?" My family's thought process on these things just doesn't make sense to me sometimes but it's the conclusion they get to.
You should check out what the supreme court ruled on for presidential immunity recently. He could tell the military (core presidential power) to put a bullet in literally anyone for any reason because the motives behind any core presidential power action cannot be questioned. Then just to make sure the people who actually do it don't get in trouble for murder, he could use another presidential power to pardon them premtively.
The funny thing is that the Republican appointed judges ruled that way because Trump is struggling in court.