[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 3 points 2 hours ago

It doesn't work like that in EU and you know that.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 9 points 6 hours ago

Im nither. Thanks for the right voters for running EU into the wall...

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 10 points 6 hours ago

Soon we need to do it without France as well...

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 1 points 7 hours ago

Ja das weiß ich auch, war... Dumm.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social -2 points 8 hours ago

You are aware that this has nothing to do with my criticism of the destructive "protests" people in my country die from hear as well. Doesn't make it less abstract than a burning building! Learn basic psychology!

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 1 points 9 hours ago

War da nicht eher das Problem das man niemanden mehr hat der die fahren kann?

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 16 points 19 hours ago

Id just use a random name sheet. Get some fancy names print em out sprinkle in a little setting specific stuff and roll dice for it. 100 names each and a D100 will do the trick, if its not fitting at all, just roll again.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 10 points 1 day ago

Die Firma ist doch erst dann gegründet worden.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 19 points 1 day ago

Man hätte ja auch einfach fragen können ob man eins haben darf, Nordkorea ist kein Land das gegen propaganda ist... 😂

Trotzdem idiotisch dort hin zu gehen.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 20 points 1 day ago

den Touristen tun die in der Regel nichts solange die keine nachforschen anstellen.

[-] YourPrivatHater@ani.social 62 points 1 day ago

It just gives you the address of the nearest preschool to start over XD

ich⛈️⚠️🌊iel (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by YourPrivatHater@ani.social to c/europe@feddit.org

New German Citizens must accept the right for Israel to exist specifically.

PS: a load of antisemitism in the comments . PPS: calling them out gets you banned on the community, big ew oh and the same mod is here as well...

meme (files.catbox.moe)
ich🎥🏫iel (files.catbox.moe)

Hab ich im Internet geklaut fand es lustig.

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