Why Penn Jillette though? Is he for some reason popular with libertarians?
"E Ink" is a company, producing displays with a very specific proprietary technology. I think you mean to say more "e-paper", which is a generic term for "paper-like" displays. And unfortunately, right now the only real competition is RLCD (reflective LCD), which is arguably not paper-like enough to qualify. Yes, it's reflective, but other than that, it's just a higher density Game Boy screen. Which is great and all, but it can't compete with E Ink in a lot of aspects. It doesn't have retention, you gotta power the screen, so no signage and stuff. It has LCD-grade bad viewing angles.
RLCDs are cool for certain uses though. For example, I sometimes choose to play on my AGS-001 over my Analogue Pocket if I'm outside in bright daylight.
When the other candidate's performance is "rock bottom", "low" is a massive step up. Not doing the listed things shouldn't raise the evaluation to "high", because that's the bare minimum.
Afaik, this is false. There actually are flushable wet wipes that dissolve in water just like regular TP, but a little slower. Just make sure to check it for yourself and don't rely on what the packaging says.
I grew up in a Muslim country and I hate these. They are always either too strong or too weak. And they somehow always leak (no idea why).
Wet wipes ftw.
Looks like a scorpion, tbh.
One of my recent comments literally has "um actually", albeit in a humorous way, so I'm not saying that I'm not that guy. But you can't just counter every correction towards you with that image. Even though I like how the massive man-boobs defy the limits of the frame.
My guess, somebody is hitting the ceiling from below.
Isn't the point of this meme that the elder is always telling the truth, but it's so alien to the youth that they don't believe it? Like, "back in my day, to call someone on the telephone you had to spin a dial, wait for it to return, and do this for each digit of a 5-digit number".
This is a misuse of the template, that seems to imply Trump is right.
Edit: After ~~conducting some research~~ quickly glancing at the Know Your Meme entry of this, it seems that the template has mixed usage. Including "a no longer popular opinion stated by the elder", and just straight up dismissing rambling of an elder. But vast majority of the examples still lean into my original setup.
Huh. Thanks. I didn't even know he was a libertarian, only knew him as an atheist skeptic guy (besides the illusionists part). And according to Wikipedia, seems he's no longer a libertarian: