[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 1 points 26 minutes ago

We don't do the right thing for other people we do it for ourselves

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 2 points 27 minutes ago

Guess I was too subtle.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago

Well as long as you feel something it just be true. Especially when it involves humans. It's a lot easier to make up universal laws of ideas.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago

Can you tell the truth?

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 5 points 4 hours ago

Not sure how to react to a neo-nazi book club at the local high school doing membership drives though.

Neither group reads books.

There are always going to be people, regardless of society’s guidance and teachings, who are extra susceptible to that kind of shit.

Well aware. Freedom has a price. There will always be people who will eat or lazy themselves into an early grave for example.

People experience the uncaring universe, and our brains struggle to identify the complex and nuanced systems at the root of strife, causing them to look for simpler answers (Jewish space lasers vs. incomprehensible market interactions that over-exploit delicate ecosystems causing droughts). Our brains are set up to tackle problems at smaller scales, and what better way than scapegoating can you reduce a root cause

Right so you personally know the truth and you have a right to stop other people from reading what you think is wrong because people dumber than you might fall for. Is that a good summary?

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 10 points 4 hours ago

They are missing out on a chance to get their free 5G magnetic mark of the beast skin

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

Be surprised if the courts cause problems with this given that cellphones are 911 devices and a means of making government emergency announcements. Those typical override the wishes of the snti-vaxx Karens of planning boards

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

start publishing a coverage score for cities for cell coverage

Each of them has an internal one and since contractors bounce around it's like a wiki but slower.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 9 points 4 hours ago

My second date with my wife I suggested on the phone we go check out a new restaurant by my apartment that had food from her native country she said "it's fine, save your money. I will just go to your place and cook". She did and I helped. That was 15 years ago.

Mentioned this story to many people over the years she always blushes.

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 1 points 12 hours ago

That's nice. Now did he tease more data dumps against Clinton a month before the election yes or no?

Little honesty test. Can you tell the truth?

[-] afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world 39 points 1 day ago

It's amazing how you always know you are on the wrong side of history when it comes to this. Did you ban a book? Yes? Ok you know where you are now.

Like everything else there is wiggle room, or you could have been dealing with a no-good alternatives situation, but this one test is absolute. You can make a moral justification for temporary slavery, say your nation is being invaded by people willing to genocide your population and you really need people to work for the war effort. Slavery is often considered the ultimate evil but there still exists situations where you could argue it needs to happen for a little while.

You just can never find a situation where ideas were dangerous and must be abolished from a person's head. Heresy is always a victimless crime. It does nothing to anyone else that someone commits wrong-think.

I just find this astonishing. Every other sin of the human race there is some crazy horrible circumstances that I can say it has to be this way because as bad as it is not doing it is worse. Except for one.

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