[-] anachronist@midwest.social 13 points 1 day ago

has cool stories to tell

Biden has a history of telling crazy stories even before he went senile.


[-] anachronist@midwest.social 1 points 1 day ago

Anyone have the experience of starting listening to folk music on spotify and suddenly you realize the algo walked you over to Rhodesian songs?

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 1 points 1 day ago

Kamala is literally the only person in politics who would be a worse candidate than Joe...

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 3 points 2 days ago

And then spent the next several cycles systematically forcing anyone who supported him out of the party.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 8 points 2 days ago

The Supreme Court has re-assumed their rightful place as elitist reactionaries. From Dred Scott to Plessy v. Ferguson to the New Deal, the main role of the Supreme Court has been to stand on the side of money and power against decency and equality. It is a fundamentally undemocratic institution that has assumed powers never granted to it by any law, and was allowed to do so because it is the last backstop for wealth and power against democratic popular will.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Good essay. I don't know if you remember after Obama won in 2008 a bunch of democratic party apparatchiks came up with this idea of "the coalition of the ascendant" and that they pretty much had the government locked in for a generation, due to support that would never waver for them amongst immigrants, yuppies, tech bros, etc. They didn't need the working class anymore and the Republicans would be the minority party for many years.

Two years later the democrats were wiped out in the midterms.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 23 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Libs in 2016: I love Bernie, it's just too bad about his age

Libs in 2020: Biden has a stutter. Don't be ageist.

Libs in 2024: We had no idea!

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 15 points 2 days ago

Clearly they should have pumped him full of unicorn blood and stem cells.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 7 points 3 days ago

The space station's orbit has been adjusted continuously over its lifetime initially by attaching a shuttle to it and doing a burn of the shuttle's engines and later doing the same with progress modules.

My bet is the original expectation of the designers was to deorbit by attaching centaurs (or whatever) to the existing docking ports and rotate the beast to the right attitude for a deorbit burn.

NASA has more recently said they want the reentry to be as steep as possible to minimize the size of the debris field, and is using that to justify the development of a new specialized deorbit vehicle. No doubt SpaceX will declare that Starship is the proper vehicle for this, and then will plow the $800 million into the Starship program. The money they got for Artemus is already long gone and Starship has failed to demonstrate key components of the Artemus plan. Dear Moon has been cancelled so NASA and Artemus are the only customers they have left. NASA knows that without a cash injection Artemus is at risk.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 13 points 3 days ago

Honestly this seems like a way to back-door inject another $800 million into the failing starship program.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 5 points 3 days ago

When the character that’s “driving” keeps moving the wheel back and forth just a tiny bit at a time.

He's trying to keep the "hands on the wheel" warning from going off.

[-] anachronist@midwest.social 51 points 3 days ago

As a friend once said "benzene is what anti-nuclear people think nuclear waste is."


The scumbag also owns the Logan Theater.


CTAction noted that the agency boasted of improvements to the the percentage of scheduled rail and bus run delivered, but failed to mention this was due to scheduled service being cut by 21 and 13 percent, respectively. "The total number of trains dispatched per day has not increased at all since August of 2022. The CTA continues to call this "schedule optimization," insulting the intelligence of riders who know that service has been cut."


More overtime was credited to NASCAR than any other special event so far this summer except the Pride Parade, for which officers were credited with 31,297 hours. The 2023 Pride Parade crowd estimate was nearly a million people; NASCAR projected it would attract about 100,000 attendees over the course of the weekend.


My main midwest.social stream is current full of ads for guns and gun parts. Did I do something wrong?

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