
joined 1 year ago

If that's the vibe in your workplace, then you for sure need to unionize.

Yet another reason to want to move to the Netherlands

Its because they signed up for Twitter

I'm actually shocked and not shocked at the same time...

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Perhaps the Democratic Party should understand that this is what happens when you campaign on social justice and then govern like a Republican from the early 2000s, and then adjust accordingly. For many on the left, the prospect of having a Republican president in 2024 may be less frightening than letting the center-right Democrats get bullied around by the GOP and Fox News for another 4 years while actively targeting/destroying actual progressive movements. I'm not necessarily saying I'm on that side of the fence myself, but the Dems have spent the last few years deeply undercutting a lot of the progressive base that got Biden across the finish line and into the White House.

[–] 48 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Remember when Windows 10 was "the last operating system"?

I follow a bunch of the stuff on but would love to see more content get shared on cool instances

As someone who works in IT, I can tell you that ive witnessed firsthand so many people who get viruses because when someone gives them a URL, they dont just go to that site. They go to, search for the URL, and blindly click on the first result, which is almost always an ad, and which sometimes is a link to malware. Fun times.

Well we went from an era where only a small portion of the population congregated online in forums and chats, which basically required you to either be a kid or a techie of some kind, to a world where your grandma was on Facebook because FB made it hella easy to signup and adductive as hell to stay. The Grandma (or even Parent) on Facebook types have never interacted with the internet in the ways we (rightly) romanticize

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It doesn't do algorithmic recommendations like GoodReads or Storygraph. Its much more of a feed-based system of finding books via observing what others are reading. It takes some work to curate a following list that fits your tastes, but if you go to your favorite books and actually follow the people who feel similar to you, then over time you will start to get some wild recommendations by seeing the stuff they are picking up or marking as "to read". I much prefer it to algorithmic recommendations because it adds a human level of complexity - for instance, an algo isnt going to recommend a book that was published 40 years ago that has almost 0 online data about itself, but a person I really respect could say its one of their all-time favorites and now I have a new book that I literally never would have heard about anywhere else except for that one person.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

To be honest, I freaking love bookwyrm so much. One of my favorite ways to burn time online is to find books that come across my feed that are missing info like cover art, description, etc. and to fill it all in. I've spent hours doing this and it feels so cool, like I'm actually part of maintaining the system.

Also, Ive found that the people on Bookwyrm tend to like books that I really love that are also potentially kind of niche, so Ive found a lot of really great book recommendations that I never would have found from Goodreads or an algorithm.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So unless you pay Elon Musk $8/month, you can only load 600 tweets per day. That's some fucked up shit right there man.


Nobody will ever convince me that this is not pronounced "Bike-ee town".


Great video from Tom Babin about bike racks


I've heard this phrase so many times in my life I dont even think about it, but the more I dwell on it, I dont really get it


Its a RadWagon 4 that I bought last year to haul my kiddo around (before he was even born lol). The bike's name is Clementino.

I found the berry flat on the side of the road and then zap strapped it to the front for extra grocery carrying capacity. Its a beast of a bike for sure, but hopefully not too ugly 😄


Understanding barrel adjusters is really important if you want to tweak or make minor adjustments to your brakes or gear shifting. This is always the first place to start before getting involved with other more impactful methods of adjusting brakes/shifting.

Essentially, barrel adjusters are a great way to fix problems without needing to use tools or take your bike into the shop.


With all of the wildfire smoke in North America right now, it's important to revisit the topic of masking. Turns out, COVID isn't the only thing that will fuck up your lungs.

TL;DR - They say N95 masks work alright, but N99 masks are preferable.

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