[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago

Starting the fun task of looking for work. Have a few prospects but god i just wish i had another option. Still, im not at risk of being back homeless and i got some time to rest so i should be grateful. I just had hoped i would be more mentally healthy before i had to go back, you know?

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 25 points 1 year ago

I appreciate the work you all do. Im a heavier lurker than particpater and i see little fingers of you all taking care of beehaw for us all the time and it makes me smile 😁 good work everyone!

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 71 points 1 year ago

The people who accept these trade-offs are not normal, and they’re in charge

so this is just inflammatory?

Seriously, I have been trying and slowly learning as Linux too has been developed to be more user friendly, am I "failing"?

This is a really poor take by someone it feels like spent more time on this post and the complaints than trying at all to adapt to the new place.

Like this bit:

So what does Mastodon bring to the table in addition to Twitter, that might justify someone deciding to take the plunge and move to it? There are a few unique things about the platform, but they generally fall into the broad category of “things users don’t care about”. Chief among these is decentralisation.

You wat? I want a place to talk to people, REAL PEOPLE, about topics (and that can be searched using hashtags, which you can).

The point of Mastodon is it isn't Twitter but offers a lot of the socializing of twitter! What?!

They really let just anyone post anything.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

as true as this is, it means the developers are the ones with more power to stop things being taken over, and clearly as you said, they won't.

truth is it means you can't trust open source devs who touch with for-profit money at all, they're all as corpo and crooked and are willing to sell everyone out for themselves.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 10 points 1 year ago

I have more than one partner, I met them both in hobby spaces, not dating spaces. Dating online has become easier in some aspects and harder in others.

Over my experience, the apps have shittified too and are basically useless for connection. One person I met on an MMO, the other I met in an online support group.

We stay together because we love each other but we are also each other's chosen family. We have a deep respect and friendship before hand.

We're also all also neurodivergent as shit and queer so we just don't have any real games and talk bluntly with one another, for good or ill.

One relationship is over ten years old the other is almost five. It was about finding who wants the same thing in life and it really required being able to be honest with myself about who I am and what I offer.

It isn't easy. We are way past new relationship energy. But the work in a relationship that is worth is never feels like a poor investment.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

I have had independent contractors offer it as an option, but most still have a phone number or have too many customers who aren't tech savvy enough to use something like that. There's really no way a reputable business in my area would survive that way.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 25 points 1 year ago

Omg I would have absolutely no script for that. They would get the blankest expression and something snarky like "it was impressive how Nestle was able to get market share on water and baby formula in the African market" but knowing my luck I'd probably get unironicly hired with that line when I was trying to be sarcastic. 😭

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 37 points 1 year ago

Discord. God I hated how I was one of my friends that got everyone to switch, and now I'm the first one out. I don't think they have added a feature that hasn't been an annoyance for a while, and after a year of no mobile notifications working and their staff being incompetent (especially if you are a free user) I'm just over it.

Everyone worshipping it is kind of a turn off too. It's a service y'all, I've had everything from AIM to Slack and I'm sure there will be a million others. Worshipping a corp is gross.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

All of this is fairly reasonable for the kind of project it is. Sounds like you and those users don't understand what signing up at any site really means and you've been so separated by the front end, you be have no ability to show grace when basically using a website for free hosted and manages by free people what takes money donated by others?

Why is this anyone else's fault but you? You've gotten spoiled. Maybe everything isn't for you if you cannot even do the bare minimum to participate?

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 15 points 1 year ago

Have had nothing but a reasonable bump here or there, I am absolutely thrilled to be here and hope that the expectations you're explaining will finally be understood.

I'm close to someone spinning up a matrix instance and it's absolutely a ton of work and knowledge and troubleshooting and problem solving and just goddamn duct tape and hope on some of this fediverse stuff.

Thanks so much to all the team for the work you all do and I'm sorry for the inevitable of flood of "know it all" posts from people barely able to sign in wanting you to "make it all like reddit". 😩

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

Biggest thing for me is mindfulness in whatever I'm doing. It's such a difference between "I am going to relax" and "I am staying busy relaxing to avoid processing my feelings".

Usually a hot bath is my go-to. It's helpful to have some music and quiet to ponder why I am compressed, what changes need to be made, or if I just need time to be allowed to feel.

[-] azureeight@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Nuh uh. "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. still feels surreal and sad for my heart.

I was raised particularly southern, like three denomination deep Protestant, (that only existed because some people argued if you should speak in tongues in church or if that would be "distracting from the lawd".) And my family participated in the activities so I was forced to attend EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHT until I was 18.

I don't have a lot of good things to say about it. After I realized I only tried to follow it cause of where I was born (and what measure of truth is that?) I started to address each moral question as it came and settle it myself based off of morality I could stomach.

A lack of belief is easy when I've seen nothing to believe, in fact I used to feel alone in it. Eventually I realized I cannot fake it, and what reason would there be, what diety would accept it?

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