[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 52 points 19 hours ago

Slash it from what? They didn't even publish a platform in 2020. They just re-published the one from 2016 (that criticized the "current president", which was actually Trump at that time), and released a statement giving "enthusiastic support" to Trump's positions. There's no platform to slash.


[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 4 points 20 hours ago

Because not all public land (meaning government-owned) is a public space (meaning available for use to the general public, like a park or community room at the library).

Our taxes pay for military bases too. Those are also government land. I'm sure you wouldn't try wandering in there for a nice walk or a picnic.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 5 points 20 hours ago

I run prowlarr and added a handful of en-us public movies trackers. Sometimes this results in duplicate results on a search, but any time I have to take manual action, it's very obvious and easy to skip.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 10 points 20 hours ago

Why pay for your own journalists when you can just write about what people say on Twitter?

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 8 points 21 hours ago

Idk I put it into Radarr and it grabs it automatically. I mark it failed and it tries again if it's bad.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 2 points 21 hours ago

Yes. Public property doesn't mean free access at all times. Even public parks are often closed at night.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 4 points 23 hours ago

And you should not ever expose RDP or VNC to the Internet, every, for any reason, for any length of time, whatsoever.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 6 points 1 day ago

Imagine what the sky looks like closer to the center of the galaxy!

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 33 points 1 day ago

I don't know either but the summary says it's some NFT thing, which is all I need to know

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 11 points 1 day ago

You have it backwards. A tankie would be in favor of running him over.

[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 16 points 1 day ago

What? It absolutely does not. It means you're an authoritarian "communist".


[-] catloaf@lemm.ee 24 points 1 day ago

The moral of the story? If you've got a good thing going, keep your fucking mouth shut.

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