This looks like a problem that would be solved cheaper with less mess by a used Lenovo Thinkstation P720, a pair of Xeon Gold 6140s, a dozen 32GB DIMMs, a 4TB NVMe, and a copy of VMware.
Why on earth do you have so many minis?
This looks like a problem that would be solved cheaper with less mess by a used Lenovo Thinkstation P720, a pair of Xeon Gold 6140s, a dozen 32GB DIMMs, a 4TB NVMe, and a copy of VMware.
Why on earth do you have so many minis?
It’s also artificially restricted as an SMB server. Has been since XP SP2.
I’ve been on 1000/1000 for about 7 years. Still don’t see any need at all for more. I work with various cloud providers and for single thread workloads like large file transfers, you’re still not likely to encounter pipe saturation. Then there’s WiFi.
My SP offers 5Gb for $199 USD and various rates in between. No point.