[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 41 points 2 weeks ago

And people don't even realize that cis people have it too! My BiL was recently talking about taking Cialis and Testosterone. I have a niece that just got breast implants and other cosmetic procedures. People going through menopause take hormones. Cis children with precocious puberty take puberty blockers so they don't have to go through that at 8 or 9 years old. And cis people don't have the self-reflection to realize that these are all gender-affirming care.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 48 points 5 months ago

Then it shouldn't exist.

This isn't an issue of fair use. They're stealing other people's work and using it to create something new and then trying to profit from it, without any credit or recompense.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 43 points 7 months ago

Stein has always been either a useful idiot or an active Russian dis/mis-info candidate

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 43 points 8 months ago

Because they are.

We have a puritanical idea burned into our society that you have to suffer to live, that you have to work your fingers to the bone to deserve even the most basic necessities of life, and can't imagine a non-capitalist society where we just provide everything people need to live and not force people to do bullshit busywork just to prove they "deserve" the basics of life

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)
  • "Why not just ..." is always said from a place of ignorance (innocent or willful), and completely dismisses the complexities of the system in question

  • Someone has to have final say. You cannot just accept any PR/MR that comes in. There has to be a design, architectural, and philosophical vision guiding a software project, and contributions need to adhere to those. There have to be review processes, testing processes. And if you don't like it, and you feel you have the resources to fork it so that your vision is the one in control, then go right ahead.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 50 points 10 months ago

The company is run by Brendan Eich who is a hateful POS who spent millions trying to strip people of their human rights, the browser is a chrome reskin contributing to Google's domination of the web, it crams crypto bullshit in your face, and they’re now testing out AI features to add to it.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 53 points 10 months ago

We have destroyed our public spaces, removed places for people to gather, made it illegal for youth to be unaccompanied in many public places, created helicopter parents and insufferable busybodies that call the police if a child so much as wanders outside the home, and have made any kind of IRL socialization either impossible or extremely difficult.

We have influencers and brands flooding social media to show you how worthless you are and how you need to look better, act different, dress this way or that. It creates a sense of anxiety, self-loathing, and hopelessness.

Especially if you're young, you look around at the state of the world and wonder what fucking hope you have for any kind of future: loans for college that will be a boat anchor around your neck for basically the rest of your life, a climate catastrophe in progress, a fascist coup in progress, the absolute impossibility of home ownership, a job market that's being torn apart by grifters, and rising inflation and costs of living without any increase in salaries.

The major social platforms are all dominated by algorithmically generated "content" that feeds on rage-baiting. Outside of YouTube, none of the platforms allow for any kind of long-form posts, so you're limited in what you can say on a given topic, so you reduce it to the most distilled and condensed version. Something is mildly upsetting? Well, 280 characters isn't enough for nuance, so rage-posting it is. And the more inflammatory, the more engagement it gets, which gets it in front of even more eyeballs.

YouTube actively pushes users down the alt-right rabbit hole.

So you're already isolated, alone, separated from any kind of sense of community, and you try to find a replacement in social media. But it's not the same. You're already feeling hopeless about the world and the future. And this algorithm you've been swallowed by is fed by, and rewards, the worst impulses.

It's not a "kids these days are so addicted to their phones these days and it's making them depressed or violent" kind of issue. It's an interconnected web of shit that's feeding back and forth making everything worse. We've made a fucking awful world, and then the place where people are taking refuge is exacerbating all of it.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 52 points 10 months ago

Technology is not apolitical, because humans are not apolitical. Anyone who says they are or claims to be "neutral" or "centrist" simply means their ideals align with the status quo.

This is a problem with all sectors of tech, but especially in places where algorithms have to be trained. For example, facial recognition systems are notoriously biased against anyone who isn't cis and white. Fitness trackers/smart watches/etc. have trouble with darker skin tones. Developers encode implicit biases because they are oblivious to the fact that their experiences aren't universal. If your dev team and your company at large aren't diverse, that lack of diversity is going to show through in your product, intentional or not. How you shape the algorithms, what data you feed it to train it, etc. are all affected by those things.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 44 points 11 months ago

Tor can be used for any internet browsing you usually do. The key difference with Tor is that the network hides your IP address and other system information for full anonymity

Also, this isn't true. MANY sites and services block access from Tor, including major ones that people use everyday.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 50 points 11 months ago

I do understand the overall point they're trying to make here. As someone who's been around the web and internet since the early 90s, there was a certain magic to the chaos of those early days.

However, this bit:

A couple of imageboards still exist, who remind us of a different time. You may not like it, but even 4chan is such a place and i am happy that dumpster is still around.

really makes me wonder about OP. 4chan/8chan/et al have caused incalculable harm. The the world would be a better place if they were completely eradicated, and would have been an even better place had they never existed at all. Sites like those aren't indicative of a different time, they're indicative of the true depths of hatred, toxicity, and sheer chaotic evil people are capable of when given an anonymous platform and no moderation.

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 36 points 11 months ago

The way social media companies just chase each others features is ridiculous. They can't be content with being unique or offering a specialized feature set. No, they all have to do image posts, then stores, then video, then short videos.

However, anything that helps kill the trend of every goddamned thing being a video even when it doesn't need to be is a very welcome change

[-] davehtaylor@beehaw.org 47 points 11 months ago

All I can think of when he talks about how "X will be an app for everything" is:

Welcome to Zombocom, you can do anything at Zombocom, Welcome to you. Anything is possible at Zombocom. The infinite is possible at Zombocom. The unobtainable is unknown at Zombocom. Welcome to Zombocom.

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