That's great, enjoy your holiday!
Ooh I see now! I should have thought of it, most of my songs are in opus format, and tambourine is only picking up the flacs:
023-07-04 11:00:57.342 | ERROR | | Error while parsing music file: No Reader associated with this extension:opus
My bad, many music apps don't support opus. I have everything in flac on a separate drive, but there's no room on my laptop so I convert them. Opus is open source and compresses files in a much more optimised way than mp3, so you can get smaller files with way better sound quality.
I have no idea how much work adding support for it would entail, but I would definitely use tambourine if you decided to do it. Right now I'm using Elisa on KDE, which is nice but very slow to recreate its database every time I add or change something.
I like the design and it looks perfect for me since I store everything locally and tag manually. My only issue is it only "sees" around 600 songs out of the 30 ˙000 I have, leaving some albums with only 1 song and ignoring a lot of artists. Is there a way to force it to notice the rest? Everything is in the same folder
As per the previous comment, you can still find Z-Library via Tor at this onion address:
But you need to create an account to access it (use a disposable email address). Otherwise I know is a well stocked archive
openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE since 2019, it never breaks and if you break it you can easily roll back. Yes, there are a lot of updates, but I have a secondary system that I upgrade only once every six months and it works like a charm!
I agree, all these preferences (currency, time, date, measurements) shouldn't need to fit in a determined locale box, but if you customize them it's possible to run into issues. I believe choosing English (Ireland) might solve your issue? Either that or I have found a way to customize it way back and then forgot.