i have struggled with understanding my "lack of drive" concerning employment ever since i became aware of my issues. i used to blame myself and think of myself as fundamentally broken or selfish and cruel. i'd think to myself "other people can do this, this is a normal expected thing, do it" without realizing that while performing labor is normal it isn't normal to be forced into working an excessively long schedule in order to remain alive. the problem i have isn't that i have to do things and i wish people who reject my limitation would understand that. i want what i do to fucking matter to the community i exist in. i want the one life i get to experience to be tilted more towards our individuality and not the demands of the oligarchy. i guess not being able to handle living in a fucking prison makes me "disabled." fine.
i do hope it doesn't take that long for me, but i am under no delusion that it'll be speedy. i did have them mail me some paperwork to fill out recently after submitting my initial applications months ago, so.. hey.. progress! i'll definitely be contacting someone in my area then.
hey real quick, why are you even bothering to leave this comment? do you realize you are posting in a community meant for disabled users telling somebody who considers themselves disabled that "relying on other people to survive" is going to "make things worse" for me because i'm not "fixing the problem?" this is an astonishingly negative view about me and my limitations based on nothing. you tell me to try to find work i like to do as if that isn't something i have pursued.
me having more free time doesn't equate to having more struggles, i don't know why you would assume such a thing not knowing anything about me other than this post. this was very unhelpful and honestly insulting.
ah, thanks for the information. i will do some research in my area then.
i'm ready to do whatever is asked barring anything associated with a cost like acquiring a lawyer, unfortunately. i have had the same doctor for the past 11 years and he encouraged me to try and apply. he can verify and vouch the many things i have tried and still struggle with, but.. idk the process, so i'm sure i'll be sent to specialists i have no rapport with. either way i'm at a loss here. this is a last resort. next step is more permanent.
it's funny and interesting but isn't this just an LLM doing what it does and predicting the conversation based on a large number of variables?
you're assuming those things aren't being done simultaneously. additionally, the type of misplaced violent rage you will continue to witness is born from oppression and having no voice or power. eventually, the caged animal thrashes regardless of what it damages, itself included. it might not be rational or logical but it has to be expected as an outcome. we are not going to stop people from burning shit down. it simply will never happen. too many people feel they have no other way to make it known that fascism will not be the way of life here than to scare the shit out of our leaders through violence and a demonstration of the people's willingness to execute.
you can fucking hate that this is happening, but it is always going to. i'm not personally going to condemn these kinds of responses because i recognize it as an emotional and forced reaction to living year after year in a country that doesn't give a shit about you but will exploit you until you die. tesla is a representation of what the last 70 years have come to: we are now speeding on the path towards technofascism and they're not even doing it behind our backs. people are going to take their anger out on the fascist car endorsed by our fascist presidential figurehead and sold by our South African fascist president.
real unfortunate no one was harmed.