Look into kickstart.nvim . It's not a distribution but I think it will help you. Also after cloning the repo look up the video by tjdev(he is a maintainer on neovim).Or don't all config are self explanatory. There is twice the amount of comments than actual code.

Yep, my buddy Art foraged such a nice sword. Everybody calls him a king now. He even made a council like in the LoTR.

[-] dwraf_of_ignorance@programming.dev 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I can do it, I don't see many people from this instance. From what I know cross instance modding is still buggy. I can help if there is a need for someone from programming.dev

My only qualification is that I use Nix(btw) :-)

Well microwave was made to defrost frozen Hamster 🐹 to life. You are not too far of the track. If you want to know more there is a Tom Scott video on it.

I agree Emacs is agreat OS, but sadly it doesn't have any good text editor.

There lies your problem, ditch mouse use vim(neovim if want to impress the ladies).

I think you are confused between telegram and signal.


There isn't a single downvote in this post, yet. And it has already 1K up vote. It says something about Tom.

You should have seen India-Bangladesh border pre 2015.

Just curious, which year are you?(guessing you are doing bachelor).

It it me or I just read it in tune of Particle men. Or is it a parody of particle men.

Godot by Junferno (www.youtube.com)

Introduction to Godot (not a tutorial)

[-] dwraf_of_ignorance@programming.dev 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I suggest you watch this. TLDR is Use

  • "The Book"
  • Rustling
  • Rust by Example Most important get started.

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/3038679

Modulo.js is full featured Web Component framework, in a single 2000 line file without any dependencies. It's packed with many modern features (state management, data binding, liquid-style templating, SSR), and can even build itself and your components from within the browser, so no NPM or terminal skills are needed, making it easier to teach beginners.

While it might be new, I've been using internally for almost a year, meaning the documentation is fairly complete for a project at this stage, with 100s of example components / tutorials. So, I'd love to hear feedback! :)

Anyone into trying a new, fun little open source framework?

credit : @modulojs


Redox is a Unix-like Operating System written in Rust, aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel and full set of applications.

Jeremy Soller(BDFL of Redox) is on lemmy @soller@lemmy.world


I made another post about the same website:


By u/miacoder

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by dwraf_of_ignorance@programming.dev to c/showoff@programming.dev

You can get lost in this for hours. Have a great time.

And also please comment what you got:


By @bendersej on "X"


Password game which became popular on programming.dev due to this https://programming.dev/post/259125 post. Credit: @nealagarwal on "X"


Not mine, but great tool

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joined 1 year ago