[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 2 weeks ago

@lemmyreader @electricprism There is someone who managed to convert a proot-distro version of #alpine into a #pmos one. It's not as great as it may sound though.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 4 points 4 weeks ago

@JRepin Am I the only idiot who uses systemctl hibernate with a proper swap partition? Works perfect every time I've set it up.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 4 points 1 month ago

@thingsiplay Nicely done, I like it!

For years, I've been using a similar(?), very simple script I'd banged together. I made it originally to track down a few out of control log files, and later changed it up for a general space freeing overview.
df -h $1 && du -ha "$1" |sort -hr |head -n25

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 2 months ago

@thelinuxEXP @Jayjader @V0ldek I'm perty sure review is the other half of that same task that folks want to pawn off on AI.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 8 months ago

@neogeo I think you may be on the right track with grabbing a newer AMD card, and keeping your old nv one just for the encoding stuff if you absolutely need it. I only do quite a bit of small drawing (mostly technical) in both blender and FreeCAD, as well as some occasional video editing in blender. I've had a RX5600XT since before we had proper drivers for it, and I've had no issues with it ever since they were in testing.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 4 points 10 months ago

@solarvector @Toyful
WiFi not working after suspend should at worst only require reloading the module, not a full reboot. This is a common thing I've noticed with many b43 and some old iwl cards.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 10 months ago

@Erunn You could use ONLYOFFICE with #Nextcloud. You could host it yourself if you wanted, or use one that's already setup, like #Murena.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 3 points 11 months ago

@deepdive The ""correct"" answer is "only do root things as root" not via root. But security in more of a human problem than it is configuration.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 11 months ago

@minicx What's the reason for installing a DE alongside #AwesomeWM? Is it just for a file manager, terminal, etc? Could be those are better installed separately vice a whole DE for a few programs. There also may be similar programs that suit your needs that are not part of any DE.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 5 points 11 months ago

@gkpy I assume by "dotfiles" you simply mean "config files" as there should be nothing in your /etc/portage directory that's hidden. For all configs I want to backup, I just keep a copy of them elsewhere. As for portage stuff, I just copy my make.conf, and everything in each repos.conf and package.* directories.

If you want to simplify a complex solution to an already simple thing, take a look at bare git worktrees.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 4 points 11 months ago

@theViscusOne Take a look at LC_TIME in your /etc/locale.conf. If you don't have one, make one and set all the things you want to be a specific locale.

The manpage might be helpful, it also references the locale one which may also help.

[-] eshep@social.trom.tf 4 points 1 year ago

@j4k3 These days I always recommend @tuxedocomputers for linux centric laptops. They have a wide and customizable range and are all built with fully linux compatible hardware. The service/support they provide is also top-notch.

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