[-] ewe@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Smart. Flush money down the toilet trying to impersonate Trump by not paying your bills. Maybe he should run for president.

submitted 10 months ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

That is all!

Game thread bot (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/seattlekraken@lemmy.world

Howdy folks! This week I'll be looking at the setup some lemmy bots to support the community as we start getting into games and news. First thing will be auto game threads. Second would be a sidebar updater with standings and upcoming games. Are there any other regular posts that we should consider posting here as a matter of course? Weekly pinned general threads? Any thoughts?

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 107 points 10 months ago

My boomer mom is all up in her suburban town councils business because she's afraid there is going to be a "marijuana shop" that goes in across the highway from her neighborhood in the strip mall that's being developed.

Anti-drug propaganda really did a number on that generation

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 18 points 10 months ago

My only comments here are:

  1. Of course the Republicans are trying to get out of the consequences for their actions based on a technicality. Entirely on brand.

  2. Actions...meet consequences. Consequences, actions. Nice to get you two together for once.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Republican senators who walked away from this year's legislative session will be barred from running for reelection next year, according to Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade. The decision was made after months of speculation and is likely to be challenged in court by the GOP lawmakers.

Measure 113, which was passed by voters last year, was designed to curtail legislative walkouts by imposing serious penalties on lawmakers who accrue 10 or more unexcused absences in a single legislative session. Under the measure, any such politician would be banned from running for reelection or seeking election in the other chamber once their current term expires.

However, Republicans argue that the measure is flawed because it allows lawmakers to serve another term before the penalties take effect. They are planning to challenge the new ruling in the Oregon Court of Appeals.

Governor Tina Kotek, who wrangled with a Republican walkout as House speaker in 2020, agrees with Griffin-Valade that the voters intended for lawmakers who don't show up for work to be held accountable. She believes the court will ultimately decide the matter.

~AI Summarization...

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Google Chat replaced hangouts and is not E2E.

Google Messages is the Android default SMS App, at least on Pixel phones. It is Android's best equivalent to "iMessage"

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The news that has come out about how Tesla and Space-X have succeeded in spite of Musk, not because of him, has been eye opening. I think there's something to be said for having a front man to be the face of a company. Since Apple has been fine post Steve Jobs, so would Tesla and Space-X be fine post Elon. Frankly I'm kind of terrified that Space-X will get dragged down by this shit too, but it seems to have benefitted from being a side-project and not on Elon's front radar. If Elon gets bored of Twitter and starts doing Space-X stuff again. Thank goodness NASA kept redundancy in their rocket pipelines... At the time, it seemed like a waste, but now it looks very prudent.

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 37 points 10 months ago

In the country's defense, those assholes literally ran the government from the highest level for 4 years and ~~gave up power~~ were forced to give up power after their term ended. We have a pretty robust system. I am concerned that so many people are so stupid to be hoodwinked by him and his ilk, but the system was built to withstand this type of shit...at least for a single time.

Meanwhile Biden and democrats have been out there with things like the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Bill actually helping Americans. If you think that the government isn't capable of doing positive or good for it's people anymore, you haven't been paying attention. It may not be sweeping, and only barely enacted, but a lot of good has been done recently.

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 28 points 10 months ago

Corporations are people my friend

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Classic. I dusted this off recently at work when I realized we had a significant overly project managed thing going on. F off PMs, I'm doing my work!

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Yeah, I'm a Hawkeye fan living in Oregon. I am excited for this as I'll get to see the teams from my youth come and play here, but it's melancholy. WSU and OSU being railroaded here blows. The Civil War and the Apple Cup were great rivalry games.

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Open, so that the air that gets pumped into my room can tell the Mr. Thermostat in the hall that it's actually fine in there and they don't need to call Mr. Furnace or Mrs. A/C.

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

Not while browsing on "All", but this is easily remedied by maintaining a subscription list and browsing on "Subscribed". Typically, porn is limited to specific communities which can just be not added to your subscription list.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Just wanted to put it out there, if you're looking for something to do and enjoy a game of chess, there's the Eugene Chess Club that meets at Bill & Tim's at 6pm on most Tuesdays. Guy who runs it, David, is really chill and it's an enjoyable time with people playing casual games and having a good time. Some are really good, but many, like myself, are middling at best. If you're worried about not being good enough, don't, just come and check it out since there are players of all skills there.

Bill and Tim's on 13th/Pearl @ 6pm

Also, hit me up if you want to play a game on lichess :D

Bedrock Fire Update (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

7/23/23 evening update: The Bedrock Fire continues to be active in the Fall Creek area on the Middle Fork District. An updated acreage will be available tomorrow. The fire burned actively today and firefighters from the Oregon Department of Forestry and US Forest Service continued to engage in full suppression efforts and point protection on buildings on private land.

Resources continued to arrive throughout the day and more will be on the scene tomorrow. While there are no evacuation notices in effect at this time, the public is asked to avoid Big Fall Creek Rd. to allow emergency personnel necessary access for suppression.

Several campgrounds along Big Fall Creek Rd. are closed due to fire activity. This includes all campgrounds along Fall Creek Road, and surrounding roads. Smoke may be visible from Highway 58, the towns of Lowell, Jasper, and the McKenzie River corridor.

source: https://www.facebook.com/willamettenf

[-] ewe@lemmy.world 33 points 11 months ago

Yeah, completely killing Reddit was never in the cards in all honesty. Creating legit competition is good for everyone and this is definitely an awesome place already.

submitted 1 year ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Sorry, I know recommendation posts are divisive, but we haven't had any here so I feel like it might get a free pass. Taking the Mrs out and I'm wondering anyone has recommendations on low key places with activities like lawn games or board games available in a chill atmosphere and some comfortable outdoor space?

Thinking of places like Alesong or Public House

What's your go to for date night?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

The OTC all comers meet series starts tonight. Kids under 12 can come and compete in the events. $5 unless an OTC member. Pretty fun event and now it's back at Hayward after being in Springfield the last few years, which is pretty cool.

submitted 1 year ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Manager at Bricks and Minifigs wins best beard in the "Full Beard Barber-Style" category

Eugene Juneteenth (eugenejuneteenth.com)
submitted 1 year ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

On June 18th 2023, we’re hosting an event in celebration of Juneteenth. Join us from 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Alton Baker Park in Eugene, Oregon.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world

Hello, I'm here, as I'm sure, are you because of recent actions and plans created by Reddit's admin team to kill 3rd party apps in an effort to bring everything under the official app.

I'm not much of a mod, but I do want Eugene to have a viable alternative for those who are not happy with the direction that Reddit is headed.

A primer for how to think about Lemmy and the "federverse":

  • Lemmy is like the world. (e.g. "Lemmy")
  • Lemmy instances are like countries (e.g. lemmy.world, lemmy.ml)
  • Lemmy communities are like cities (e.g. /c/eugene@lemmy.world, /c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml)
  • Users are like citizens

In this world, citizens have a home country, but can visit, live, and interact using a visa without needing to be a citizen of the country that the city is in. Some countries have different rules for their users. Some countries don't recognize other countries, so their users can't see the other's content, but mostly they play along nicely.

The KEY TAKEAWAY is that users can be on the "lemmy.world" instance and be a part of communities on any instance without creating a user there.

The way to refer to communities on other instances in a way that you can interact is to use the URL format of https://{YOUR instance}/c/{communityname}@{COMMUNITY's instance} (e.g. https://lemmy.world/c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml).

The federation model works well because communities will be spread out across different instances and so there's no ONE service/server that is responsible for ALL of the traffic going on in Lemmy.

I'm requesting that you spread the word about this place, if you feel like it's the right way to go and if anyone would like to help mod or take over entirely, please let me know.

Cheers @ewe

RANT THREAD (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by ewe@lemmy.world to c/eugene@lemmy.world


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ewe@lemmy.world to c/seattlekraken@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/79696

Noticed a distinct lack of a community for the Bolts, so I went ahead and created one at tampabaylightning@lemmy.world. It got me thinking about other team communities, so I thought it might be helpful to aggregate them all into one post.

List of Team-Specific Communities:

NOTE: If a community appears as a 404 page when you click it, it likely means that the community is being hosted outside of the instance you are currently using and that nobody in your instance has viewed or interacted with that specific community yet. In order to address this, you will need to copy-paste the specific handle for the community (for example, [!tampabaylightning@lemmy.world](/c/tampabaylightning@lemmy.world)) into your searchbar so that your instance can "learn" that it exists, after which the community should display via linked URLs without issue. Hopefully this is addressed by the lemmy devs and streamlined in the near future.

EDIT 6/21: And we now have all teams represented! Starting to feel like home around here. I'll do some work soon to get all these organized in a nice table for easy navigation.

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago