[-] explodicle@local106.com 46 points 4 months ago

That means it's a Jewish owned business, but doesn't inform us whether or not the owners put up these signs (rather neatly).

[-] explodicle@local106.com 170 points 5 months ago

Inequality has gotten so much worse that rich people don't even fly in the same planes as us anymore.

That's going to have perverse incentives on airplane safety too. They have no reason to update their laws if peasant airplane doors falling off becomes common.

[-] explodicle@local106.com 53 points 5 months ago

He's assuming infinite elasticity, which isn't how prices work in real life.

The typical version of this argument is that the people who are being taxed in the first place are the ones increasing rents. In which case taxes can then be increased until the desired equilibrium is achieved.

That's not to say we couldn't also provide a basic safety net like he describes. But that raises the question of why UBI should stop there. If our economy can generate a surplus, then why shouldn't all humans sharing their slice of the Earth get it?

[-] explodicle@local106.com 107 points 6 months ago

My main thought is "this is a screenshot of a wall of text that's hard to read".

[-] explodicle@local106.com 57 points 6 months ago

I still can't believe Sony is still in business. Who's dumb enough to keep buying stuff from a company that booby-trapped their own CDs?

[-] explodicle@local106.com 61 points 6 months ago
[-] explodicle@local106.com 74 points 8 months ago

Which is basically an admission that they'd like to charge you past the point of cancelation.

[-] explodicle@local106.com 79 points 9 months ago

Fact: all memes are from the past

[-] explodicle@local106.com 46 points 10 months ago

"Experience demonstrates that there may be a slavery of wages only a little less galling and crushing in its effects than chattel slavery, and that this slavery of wages must go down with the other."

— Frederick Douglass

[-] explodicle@local106.com 52 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Sorry if I'm misinterpreting your comment, but that's usually in reference to people who expect you to make unilateral sacrifices as protest. Foregoing r/place isn't a sacrifice like foregoing a smartphone entirely is; the whole point either way (deface/ignore) is just to send a message.

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