[-] gaael@beehaw.org 5 points 3 months ago

I started and finished Stray today. It's a bit short (5.5 hours) and imo not really replayable, but I had a really nice time with it. I found it akin to Outer Wilds in the sense that you get to discover the lore as you progress in the world. I recommend picking it up if you get it on sale (the full price is a bit much for the duration).

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 7 points 5 months ago

What is supposed to be the difference between capitalism and garbage ? Asking for a commie friend.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 9 points 9 months ago

Looks like a nice ARPG, but it seems to integrate an "always online" bullshit requirement, can someone who actually has it confirm or rectify ?

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

Just finished Firewatch, and I'm a few hours in Outer Wilds. I enjoy having no way to really fail, and discovering the story bit by bit.

Started Torchlight 2 in coop with a friend living abroad, it's fun to see a non-blizzard Diablo with a Warcraft 3 aesthetic. Still trying to figure out which mods we want in the long run.

And almost at the end of It Takes Two in couch coop with a friend, we've laughed a lot so far !

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 6 points 9 months ago

You are right, I should not have assumed that.

And I should actually not have used this description, because vulvas are not exclusive to people Assigned Female At Birth, as another commenter pointed out.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 8 points 9 months ago

Thank your for your very interesting opinion.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 4 points 9 months ago

You are absolutely right, I should have thought of it. Thanks for the correction !

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 10 points 9 months ago

Thanks for this educational post, TIL I learned something interesting (and sad/infuriating).

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I have no source for you, just personal experience. In my small circles (irl and online) which are not statistically significant, we usually use :

  • "iel" for third person singular, used the same way as "they" in the singular form
  • "ellui" also used for the third person by someone who wanted the feminin "elle" to come first
  • "ol" is also used for the third person, mostly by people who want to get rid of the binary "il" and "elle" sounds of "iel"
  • "elleux" for the third person plural, used the same way as "they" in its usual sense

Maybe this wikipedia page could be useful ?

Just FYI: from my experience as a native French speaker and a French resident, these neopronouns have a hard time existing outside militant and lgbtqi+ circles. Our most popular media (which are right-wing/conservative) regularly paint them as a problem, an attack on the "mothertongue" etc. and I've faced violent reactions from people I gave my pronouns to.

Kudos to you for including them in your signature !

Edit: typos.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

Thanks for posting, really interesting read ! I had never thought about it.

I wonder to which extent the described mechanisms also make it more difficult for men with a higher-than-average-pitched voice and thus contributes to the patriarchal vision of what a man(tm) should be - in this instance, of how a man should speak.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

Running on that VM, I really enjoyed Flight of the Amazon Queen a few years back. Warning: it's an oldie containing lots of sexist moments - I'm not sure I would enjoy it as much today.

[-] gaael@beehaw.org 4 points 11 months ago

Funnily enough, meeting far-right people increased my far-right-ophobia.

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