[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 43 points 2 weeks ago

His parents were a GP and owned a pharmacy. They just didn't get it for him/them for whatever reason.

They certainly could have afforded it if they wanted to.

There's a massive difference between just not having something as a child and not even being able to afford it at all.

I love these Tory twat stories where they try to relate to normal people. They're so far off the mark it highlights just how clueless they are about real life.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 45 points 1 month ago

Wah wah I've blown loads of money buying a dying social media brand and driving it into the ground.

Give me more money now or I won't use my special money making powers to make this company more money.

Legal or not. Does anyone have any idea what these AI and robotics things, that only Elon holds and were developed by him completely separate to Tesla, are?

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 22 points 1 month ago

USA: We want you to embrace capitalism you God damn commie bastards!

China: Ok here's a load of cars we'd like to sell you.

USA: No not like that!

Also all this nonsense about undercutting due to state subsidy. That's exactly what the USA has been doing for years. However in China that money actually makes things cheaper. Rather than helping make profit for share holders.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 25 points 1 month ago

This looks like something from Viz magazine. They'll regularly have big one page jokes about something and then have these little made up side bits in.

Whole thing was probably about illegal immigrants taking small boats to the hundred acre wood and then there's this little bit in the bottom.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 21 points 2 months ago

The difference between this and No Man's Sky is astounding.

No Man's Sky arrives and is dog shit: Look we will fix this, we will get there.

Starfield arrives and is dog shit: This must be divisive because it's different to what we normally do.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 14 points 2 months ago

That's very strange. On the recent earnings call the Muskinator said they were bringing forwards the release of new models.

Must have some genius way to do that without the new models team and a charging infrastructure.

Unless he's just running round saying one thing and then making stupid decisions 2 minutes later. No past evidence of that though......

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 95 points 2 months ago

Anyone remember when he spent all his time talking about colonising mars? That was his big thing and the future. Whatever happened to that?

Then spacex got government funding. Now AI is the big thing.

I've still yet to see any of his great visions he's actually delivered on.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 79 points 2 months ago

We have sold 1/5 less cars. So we need 1/5 less workers.

And people were questioning if he was worth his enormous pay packet.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 44 points 2 months ago

For those occasions when someone orders the top shelf ammo.

Also there's actually 3 ladders there. One pair of steps and two small standard ladders.

I suspect the standard ladders are shite. So they carry some battered steps to avoid having to use them.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 25 points 5 months ago

The real answer is it depends how the diver is exerting force as he stands there and what force he has to overcome to jump forwards.

If he's using all his driving force through his legs just to stand there then when he jumps up he will go backwards.

If he was casually standing there easily overcoming the push of the air already then he can jump into the pool just as normal.

It's the same as standing next to a swimming pool with different wind speeds. Small breeze = jump in ok. Hurricane = blown backwards.

That's assuming he wasn't trying to jump off the back of the vehicle.....

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 26 points 6 months ago

We're all set up sir.

Great get me the latest data on the Ukrainian artillery. I want to know where they're firing from and what they're aiming for.

Picking something up now. Working out source and target coordinates. Ah shit.

[-] gasgiant@lemmy.ml 20 points 10 months ago

Thou shalt spell the word "Pheonix" P-H-E-O-N-I-X, not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, regardless of what the Oxford English Dictionary tells you.

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