Various Powered by the Apocalypse games do include player initiated exposition
I thought they clarified up front that it was not a movie?
Do we not turn off our electronic devices to save electricity?
Lots of government health agencies have recommendations for protein. For example
Collaborating with a small group of family and friends where we can use a shared spreadsheet to plan a camping trip for example
Is there an alternative to google office? Something that has email and storage space and shared spreadsheets and shared documents?
We need to shrink the legal maximum vehicle width
I hope so, but every time I check the latest peak oil prediction it has been pushed further into the future
Or a "helpful" Israeli citizen created it, and the government exploited the opportunity
I go Bushwalking/ overnight hikes as a hobby. Inventory management is very important when you carry everything you need to survive in your pack. When I started rp-ing it took me a while to adjust to the fact that the same people who are hyper-fixated in the "reality" of Spell effects could not be bothered to pack a tent. Though I admit that the DM did not care about tents either...
Does this do the same thing as gnucash?
Externalisimg costs is classic strategy