@Profilename1 I agree with your right up; your first game might have been the better of the two. I haven't played the final version of JC2, but in the first one, the most interesting games were cash poor and always teetering on the edge of collapse.
Indonesia: Booo people who are merge happy and still lose.
Have you ever played Bus at 3?
What did you think about expropriation in Fresh Fish? (I think it's possibly the most polarizing aspect of it))
@donio I have done lesson plans like that for teaching a game (I used to have them saved in google drive so I could pull them up on my phone). I haven't done it for setup though outside of one instance; for Ginkgopolis, I had a sticky note with with player count and resources in the game for each but I think I have a note in the print out of the english rules now for it.
Most of the time, I can open the box, and look at the components and that's enough to jog my memory for setup.