
joined 6 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Strikes, boycotts, or anything that hurts their donors' wallets. There actually is some political will for it too, just not enough for individual politicians to push through. They need to be able to point to external unrest.

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago

Yeah I'd even go so far as to say what if it's a mental health day. Those are totally valid for preventing mini burnouts.

[–] 4 points 4 hours ago

While he only worked briefly in the corpo world, he had people constantly emailing him with work anecdotes, so that's how he kept his finger on the pulse so to speak.

Trump definitely broke his brain in some way though. He views him as some sort of drunken master of rhetorical manipulation.

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago

I remember reading this. Ashok the intern was so adorable

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah I remember it felt like fun, until I found out it was bad for you. That along with any kind of asphyxiation - who knew! You'd think just being able to look up "is huffing chrome bad for you" on the internet would inoculate kids against this kind of stupidity.

By way of explanation, we were all quite poor and ignorant where I grew up.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

File under "green washing."

If a company offers a more expensive "choice" of a greener option, rather than just being ecologically responsible by default, then you are being sold a product. That is, you get to express your superior "green" ethics by identifying with your purchase.

The company doesn't actually care about the environment. They're just doing the minimum to capture extra $$$

[–] 5 points 5 hours ago

I would amend the quote to say "voting alone isn't going to do shit." IMO without direct action it's just a slower slide into fascism.

Agreeing with both of you basically. I just don't want anyone thinking that voting on its own is sufficient to address the problems we're seeing

[–] 6 points 5 hours ago

Happy birthday. Just to see what replaces it in NA

[–] 7 points 5 hours ago

Damn it is pretty pushy now that you mention it

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

You don't have to listen to it all day. I like checking in in before and after work.

But if all the stations in your area have ads, then ofc nah, don't listen to that garbage.

[–] 12 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (1 children)

We were teenagers and I went to her house in the boonies to shoot crossbows and play NBA Jam. Sounds ideal, right? So after shooting trees for a while she asks if I want to shoot her hamster.

Maybe she was trying to be edgy or funny but I was so disturbed I made an excuse and started walking home (which was hours away). I finally managed to hitch a ride with this creepy couple into town (but that's a whole other story - definitely did not give those two my home address).

[–] 3 points 7 hours ago

Hey sobernauts out there on the clear dry seas lol. The pink cloud is gone, so now I'm just in the daily living part (7mos), but even still, had a bit of a realisation recently.

I got unexpectedly laid off from my job recently, which previously would have been a big trigger to hit the bar. But this time I was thankful that I didn't drink anymore (or smoke for that matter). Not even for the money (although that is one factor), but that despite all my problems at least I don't have to deal with the ravages of booze on top of everything else. I can move forward with real world solutions to my actual problem with a clear head.

It especially hit me when shortly after my layoff, a friend came over with a "care package" of junk food and a light beer, saying to my partner "c'mon not even one beer." But I realised that I wasn't even tempted (though the inertia from old habits could have easily led me to drink).

Anyway, this friend doesn't know how much I value my sobriety (we used to drink together a lot a lot), so I thanked him for the thought, but gave the beer to another friend of mine.

That's the story. My physical addiction to alcohol isn't that great thankfully, so it's not that dramatic, but it still felt like a nice reinforcement that I'm on the right path.

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