There goes another useful tool that has been made inaccessible for most of the common users.
Recently got one and made some content in portuguese, if anyone is coding for it I would really appreciate to know who you are an what are you doing.
like the fact that doom metal bands always get in a doom vibe sometime at their album
Ape Scape 2 on a PS1
After a lot of thinking I purchased an external antenna, a radio transciever and a QRM remover to listen to foreign radios from Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina and somewhere from the Carribean sometimes depending on the weather... Those are not corrupted... Every town or local radio are concentrating their efforts to get any money that not evolves curating good tunes. Hope you find a suitable radio station for you somewhere in the air or in the web.
i think is the best way possible. does it have any charge?
lol . I'm just a baby tux apprentice ...
BTW How do you keep on syncing your calendars and stuff?
Must do the same soon
Dar aula de inglês na repartição pública e ver os meninos perguntar como fala Neymar em inglês...
Eu fiz do download do Godard , não é tudo, vc quer?
na verdade, é um meme de uma postagem do mastodon onde um cara reclamava que só tinha programador/dev/geek na parada e não entendia nada do que eles falavam.