submitted 1 month ago by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/toronto@lemmy.ca

Check the link for a full-size version (3600 x 4800).

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/greenspace@beehaw.org

There are so many local names for this insect: water strider, water skipper, water skimmer, water bug... got any more?

submitted 11 months ago by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/art@lemmy.ca

Short documentary focusing on a few of the artists living in Dafen, China. This village hosts both independent artist studios and fascimilie factories with various connections between the people working in them. The short documentary is subtitled in English (sometimes hard to read), but good production quality. Much of the conversation revolves around the tension between reproduction and originality, and the professional lives of working artists in the village.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Swiss technology company that focuses on privacy products. Initially funded by a Swiss startup capital firm and now uses a subscription model. ProtonMail is not open source or non-profit, but the product they offer is privacy. Switzerland also has strict privacy laws and resists state-based information requests. Best option is to run one's own email client server, but simple folks like me don't have the skills to do so. (FWIW, I use ProtonMail and think it works great.)

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You are welcome at the https://lemmy.ca/c/art community. Currently, most submissions are people's artworks, but what you describe is also seems relevant to the community and I'd post content too if there's interest in it!

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

"In my view, a lot of the general associations we have with drinking in public are negative, like drunkenness in public, drinking and driving, like drunken hoodlums, all of these things — which make the news, but aren't necessarily the only way people consume alcohol in public."

Dr. Malleck quoted here gets close to the source of the problem, which is classism.

Most mayors, city councilors, etc. are doing well financially and they own their own houses (as well as cottages, investment properties, etc.), so the idea of going to a public park to drink outside with friends seems unusual to them. They view public parks as community spaces, but only within their personal perspectives as homeowners, and therefore what is allowed in parks is restricted to class-based moral sensibilities. It's easy for Councilor So-and-So to bring her laptop to her backyard garden patio for another Zoom meeting. The line worker who just wants to sit outside with her family after 12 hours inside sorting chicken meat for Councilor So-and-So's BBQ that weekend... she was an afterthought when it comes to these kinds of public space bylaws.

This disconnect between how municipal leaders and many apartment/condo-dwelling constituents live also explains the conflicts during the pandemic when people wanted to leave the isolation of their apartments for fresh air, but homeowner leaders (with their backyards, cottage retreats, 'working' holidays, etc.) told them to go back inside and threatened them with fines.

We do we have these bylaws? Ignorance rooted in class.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Just wanted to add that The Verge article quotes from the source document, but does not include its links, etc. Here's a hyperlinked version, including some specific open source resources, which the author calls 'third faction' content: https://www.semianalysis.com/p/google-we-have-no-moat-and-neither

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I just reconnected with a friend yesterday afternoon. We ended up talking for two hours and are making plans to meet in a few weeks. The 'sorry-we-lost-touch' part was brushed aside. It felt just like good old times again.

Try sending a text. Maybe your friend misses you too.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/art@lemmy.ca

How can it feel so dry and be so humid at the same time? These days, even the dryads need a better skincare product...

The hand is made from coffee filter. The bottle and 'Dryad' logo are product packaging. The sun is yellow tissue paper, while the haze background is washi paper.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hello friend,

Most people see results after they establish and stick with a meditation routine. If you need help, Kurzgesagt has a useful video on establishing habits and routines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75d_29QWELk

Here's a simple meditation technique to start, which requires no special equipment, reading/training, etc. All you need is to sit or stand in a comfortable position that does not make you feel sleepy. The technique is counting breaths and it is the first step for many different meditation traditions.

Your goal is to count your own breaths from 1-10 in your mind without losing count. This is a repetitive exercise like gym reps, but your goal is to NOT ZONE OUT. Your target is 10: breathe in and count '1' in your mind, breathe out and count '2'... breathe in again and count '3', breathe out and count '4'. If you lose track of your count, you just reset to '1' and start again.

At the beginning, you will lose track of your count a lot. Some people take a week or more to successfully complete the first set, much less multiple sets in a row. Our minds naturally wander. Sometimes you don't even realize you lost count until you think, "Wait, what breath am I on?" That is okay... that is the point! If you keep practicing this technique you will begin to train your mind to focus and not wander, which is a major step to conquering procrastination. Once you develop this simple form of mental self-control you will be able to demonstrate other forms of self-control.

Let me know if you want to chat more about it!

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago

A big part of the frustration for me is them pretending like they are still doing the right thing by continuing to provide it.

Agree completely! Reddit has never been in the business of 'doing the right thing' and these API fees are clearly designed to discourage third-party developers. Reddit leadership do not seem to understand what drives the value of their own product and have badly misread both their short- and long-term futures, so the experiment will likely end in failure.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 year ago

My remark is probably too harsh. I meant that companies developing for-profit products based on another company's product/infrastructure, which they do not own, will be subject to whatever changes the latter decides to make. Any company that develops such a product should understand and take that into consideration. That said, I think reddit made a mistake re: its pricing for API access because the site benefits from that collaboration more than is harmed. However, if reddit wants to cut off its nose to spite its face they're entitled to do so, just as we're entitled to leave.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
  • Significant increase in non-human/bot accounts makes it difficult to know whether you're actually talking to a real person anymore.

  • I was not personally affected by API changes and do not sympathize with for-profit 3rd party developers, however reddit's withdrawal of support for communities like Transcribers of Reddit is mean-spirited and marginalizes our friends and neighbours who want to enjoy social media like everyone else.

  • Nothing good ever happens for an existing userbase when an organization/product joins the zombie death-march of publicly-traded assets. Capitalism will inevitably ruin everything it encounters, and reddit will not be spared from this outcome.

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hello friend. No experience with kilts, but if you're looking for general suggestions, Thai fishermen pants are another alternative clothing to keep cool in the summer. Here in Toronto, nobody bats an eye when I wear them during hot days. They're inexpensive and you can get them in v/a basic colors to match your wardrobe, but the sewing pattern is so simple you could also get someone to make them for you using whatever fabric you want. Here's a example image:

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/canadasoccer@lemmy.ca

I watched Canada v. Guadeloupe live last night. It was first time I've seen the men's team play and wanted to share some impressions. I follow European club football very closely and rarely watch international games/tournaments. Consequently, don't know almost any of these players.

  • BMO Field is a great stadium. Good view of the pitch from most seats, even the cheap bleachers behind the north-side goal. Atmosphere improved over the match, sound echoes and is amplified by the half-roof, and the regular supporters behind the south-side goal were great! Side note: also fun to see planes take off from the Island airport nearby.

  • Gold Cup security/organization was not great. I mean this sincerely: pre-match media and attempts to hype the game made me feel embarrassed to be there.

  • This was not a skilled game, but entertaining. The pitch was slick (rained for hours beforehand) so there were lots of slips and some unexpected chances.

  • The last-minute goal for Guadeloupe was heartbreaking and probably not deserved, on the balance of play.

  • Guadeloupe: 10-Phaeton and 9-Ambrose had very good chemistry, especially in the first half. They played defensively throughout the match, but Phaeton was really strong up the wing when he had the opportunity. They deserved their early goal.

  • Canada: 11-Millar was arguably Canada's best player on the pitch. (22-Laryea also did well). Millar was often in "acres of space" on the wing in the first half, but rarely received service. Constantly looking to get behind defenders, but service to him was inexcusably bad. Tracked back defensively and made a few important recoveries/stops. It didn't make any sense to substitute him early in the 2nd half, unless there was a fitness issue. 13-Shaffelburg was good from the moment he came on; unfortunately, had the same problem as Millar re: bad service. He also tracked back well and seemed to be a crowd favorite.

  • Canada: The midfield was very poor and, despite what post-match reports suggest, 20-Ahmed was possibly Canada's worst player on the pitch. Tons of energy, but not much else. Poor passing and even worse decision-making, especially from midfield positions when Canada really needed to push up the field. Frequently lost the ball, both with and without pressure. Would often (unsuccessfully) try little give-and-go passes on the wing with 22-Laryea when surrounded by Guadeloupe players, rather than find the open man. I couldn't understand why he returned in the second half and it was even more baffling that he played the whole match. Hometown bias, maybe?

If you also attended/watched this match, let's talk about it!

(edited to fix formatting issues)

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have not focused extensively on clouds myself, but saved this YT video for later, which shows basic techniques to produce clouds using oil paint, but probably also applicable to acrylic paints as well: https://youtu.be/moq5H1eaIzA

Hope it's helpful to you!

[-] huiccewudu@lemmy.ca 22 points 1 year ago

What I mostly remember is the sense of hard work and discovery.

In the mid-to-late 1990s, after the internet became a public phenomenon, but before it totally dominated our lives, spending time on the web felt very different than it does today. There was no publicly-accessible index of websites, search was in its infancy, and link aggregators as we know them today just didn't exist. For the first time, you didn't need to be a tech-savvy person to experience the WWW, but it was still pretty incomprehensible to most people, who didn't understand what the internet was for.

New "homesteaders" developed websites on free hosts like GeoCities/Tripod/Angelfire; the former host organized itself into "neighbourhoods" of sites because we still thought about the internet as a physical space. Web rings served as pilgrimage routes that connected websites together, irrespective of domain or host, into self-selected communities. They organized around subjects/themes, like Lemmy communities, subreddits, hashtags, etc. are today. They emerged around the same time as public bulletin boards which, for people who were not familiar with BBS, were also a transformative technology, and also the source of life-changing memories.

I am so privileged to have been around to explore the early internet.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by huiccewudu@lemmy.ca to c/art@lemmy.ca
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