Small pox too. Milk maids were exposed to cow pox as part of the job and as a result were immune to small pox.
I stand by my wording. Liberals harp about a famine caused by multiple factors and completely ignore the genocide of natives and enslavement of Africans and their descendants caused directly by capitalism and its prototype.
Slavery is still legal thanks to the 13th amendment.
Flint Michigan has something to say about that, as does much of the strip mined and fracked Appalachian mountain region where you can light the water on fire straight from the tap.
Maybe we are vastly different ages and geographic areas because all I got was fucking capitalist propaganda in school.
I once lived somewhere where the tap water was undrinkable. Ironically on the side of a fucking mountain so you’d think it would be good water.
Apparently that particularly area has naturally high levels of arsenic in the water and higher than normal cancer rates especially stomach cancer. And I lived in a small town on the edge of a national forest so it wasn’t industry polluting water, it was naturally polluted water if you can believe that.
Now where I live, 20 mins away, the spring water is so good you could bottle it.
Both places are untreated well water - the current spot the well draws from the spring.
Why the fuck is there a dress code at a chess game? Other than you know, wear non offensive clothing?
No one is erasing anything. The history taught in the west is warped - look at how bad communism is! - and not a fucking peep connecting the atrocities in the west to capitalism. Atlantic slave trade anyone? Manifest destiny aka the genocide of natives? The slave trade predates “official” capitalism by a couple centuries but what existed before “official” capitalism was a prototype of it.
Western education lies by omission.
You changed your comment
Sorry not obvious. Two parties might be democratic, if party A wants peace and a fair distribution of compensation for work, and part B wants endless war and exploitation of labor.
But since both American parties want the later they’re really just one party in two colors.
My other account got banned from world because I fully support Luigi’ing our elites.
Also LOL not responding to my comment and instead just being a fucking child you haven’t been on lemmy long enough so your opinion doesn’t matter!
Guess I gotta block a dumbass mod too.
I had a bad reaction to the covid vaccines (the second shot of Pfizer, first was fine) and as a result havent had a single booster.
I got heart palpitations and my heart randomly races and I get lightheaded and dizzy. Ever since the vaccine. Didn’t get covid till 2022.
Both grandfathers died of heart attacks, father died of heart failure. I’m not fucking around with further covid vaccines when I can just get a milder form of covid from the wild.
For the record, other than the chickenpox vaccine (couldn’t prove my mother had it or chickenpox so it was too risky to her for me to get) I’m fully vaccinated. I don’t bother with the flu shot, everyone I know who’s gotten it gets the fucking flu from it and is down for the count for a solid week.