Congrats ~~comrade~~ tavarisch! Really happy it went well for you ^^
Took me a while to get it
Sometimes I realize everything is
Yes, in fact I first saw Spleen when I checked out OpenBSD. I think it uses that font by default in its terminal. It looks slicker than Terminus.
Sans serif: Workplace Sans, Ubuntu, Open Sans, IBM Plex, Orpheus Sans (greek), Neohellenic Sans (greek)
Serif: Baskerville, Garamond, Times New Roman, Didot (greek) and Bodoni (greek)
Monospace: DejaVu Sans Mono, Ubuntu Mono, Fantasque Mono
Fixed: Terminus, Spleen
Decorative: too many to list here
Papyrus is a neat decorative font.
Comic Sans is awful and annoying IMO.
I really wish there existed a scalable/vector (TTF/OTF) version of it. Bitmap fonts are usually good only for UI elements, not really suitable for print.
Good luck, comrade! Удачи, товарищ! ✨
Not the topic starter, but at some time I have sifted through that course. Seems pretty good for a free course. Of course one might need some additional materials, more grammar-oriented, depending on your learning needs, but otherwise, as somebody already pretty fluent in Russian, I can say that it is decent.
A war CAN'T be legal, because it actually abolishes any pretense of legality. Any "legal" war is just an attempt to make it seem legitimate, even (especially) if it is not.
Synthesizer. I can barely play some soviet songs but I give my best for Gershon Kingsley's Popcorn. I really like that tune :)
I used to sing when young but I'm not sure my voice is as good now. That doesn't mean I don't do it, from time to time, when I'm all alone though.
Let us also not forget about their attempt at baking invasive DRM right into the browser.. Not mentioning recent experiments with replacing tracking cookies with "cohorts" and all sorts of privacy invasive "features" that claim to enhance your privacy but actually would help advertisers overcome client-side blockers.