[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 38 points 1 month ago

That's exactly how drinking games work. Beer pong works the same way

Ren Faire (lemmy.browntown.dev)
[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 41 points 4 months ago

The whole thing is subjective, they were rankings done by survey. No one is trying to hide that

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 36 points 5 months ago

Misleading headline. I watched the hearing, what he said was that parental controls should be centralized by Apple/Google at the app store level. To simplify the process so that parents can cut access to apps for their kids without needing to manage parental controls for a bunch of apps


Its a gift link, so shouldn't be a paywall :)

Enjoy this turtle (lemmy.browntown.dev)
Rule (lemmy.browntown.dev)
[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 31 points 6 months ago

WAIT i know this picture

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 46 points 7 months ago


The good comics from Reddit are finally making it over, haven't seen a "The Other End" in MONTHS lmfao

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 48 points 7 months ago

Then don't use the feature lmfao

Stop complaining about developers having fun with software they're providing you for free

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 69 points 8 months ago

Similarly, I thought this was Mint Mobile -- i just paid for a three month contract to use on my work phone

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 35 points 10 months ago

This is so fucked, but this brings up a question -- is this something to be concerned about for instances federated with lemmy.world? As in, if something like this is uploaded to a community that the instance federates with, their instance will now have a copy as well?

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 39 points 10 months ago

Not really one to defend Google, but Microsoft is out of line on this (and a lot of other stuff they do). Sadly our Congresspeople are pretty much owned by these corps and won't do anything about it.

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 34 points 11 months ago

Disagree, we know alcohol is dangerous so it's not a surprise. Looking for things that are believed to be safe and normal but actually aren't

i.e. teflon

[-] jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev 177 points 11 months ago

Spez literally said in an interview that Musk's handling of twitter is what inspired him so

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

As the title states, I have an issue where all images stored in pictrs are returning a 404 when trying to view them. You can see an example of this here https://lemmy.browntown.dev/post/27130.

If i check the pictrs docker volume, I can find the image manually and if I curl pictrs_ip:8080/image/original/[image.ext] i can view it in the browser. So I know for a fact that Lemmy is communicating with pictrs to upload the image, but there's something funky going on with viewing.

Hopefully someone here has an idea of where to go with this, I'm at my wits end lol. I've tried:

  • Creating a different pictrs container and using that
  • Pointing to an external ip for pictrs (i.e. 192.168.x.xxx instead of pictrs:8080)

Not sure what to do outside of this?

EDIT: Turns out the solution was to disable "cache assets" in nginx proxy manager! Not sure why that helped, but once I did that everything started working as expected.


As thr title states, has the community found a new home yet? Want get back to monitoring for those grail trackers!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by jivandabeast@lemmy.browntown.dev to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

I stood up my own instance, and it's federating (kind of?) but none of the posts are showing up with their comments. If I look on the main instance I can see the comments but not on mine.

This also applies to sticky posts not being stickied when i view from my own instance. Is this a bug, a misconfiguration on my end, or a result of servers being overloaded?

EDIT: In case anyone else has this, the issue was that I made the boneheaded mistake of just using the docker container for postgres i already had running without checking versions. Lemmy needs postgres15 and i gave it postgres11, causing comments not to be saved in the db and all sorts of funky issues.

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