[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Thats because a lot of users dont really want to use Windows, or the computer in general. They use it, because they have to.

For the same reason, i would never know what to do when my car breaks down. Sure i can look under the hood and do this and that. But its not my area of expertise, and its not something im interested in.

I'm a sysadmin, i know almost everything about powershell and then some. That doesnt mean my users do though. For them, a computer is a magical black box thats supposed to "just work" by clicking here and there. Just like a car is to me :)

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 23 points 3 days ago

Yes, you can. But a lot of Windows users dont even know what powershell is.

And personally i think you shouldnt have to jump through hoops for what i consider basic functionality. They also make it near impossible to install Windows 11 new without having to resort to all kind of tricks to create a local account. Its a shitshow.

In my humble opinion :)

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 11 points 3 days ago

It'll happen. Microsoft is just waiting to see how much backlash they get, then in a future version its all gonna be enabled by default. "Because people want it! Its the best!"

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 3 points 5 days ago

I run KVM on Alpine Linux, then on my debian based workstation i have Virtmanager jnstalled. I can use it to connect to the Alpine KVM and easily add/edit/delete VM's and manage them.

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 12 points 3 weeks ago

The problem is, knowing Microsft, its gonna be turned on by default. And half the people who use Windows barely know how to turn the computer on and off. Let alone dive deep into some half baked settings app to figure out where to turn it off.

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 22 points 1 month ago

knock knock knock in the middle of the nicht because i forgot to turn off my speakers, and the whole household would wake up 😂

Oh wauw! I think ICQ 98b was the best version ever! Then everyone switched to MSN, and down hill went the internet (for me anyway)

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 13 points 6 months ago

Well, since misery loves company, i feel a bit better about the Netherlands now. Our railways have sucked for ages. But its good to see its not just ours :)

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 13 points 10 months ago

Its been a while since i last read about it, but i thought they made some exempts so FOSS wouldnt suffer too much. One can only hope they did!

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 51 points 10 months ago

I can hear you, listen to you, and forget about what you say all at the same time!

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 17 points 10 months ago

i read an article a few weeks ago that said that our (the Netherlands) government is working on its own Mastodon instance, i hope they actually pull through with that :)

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 65 points 10 months ago

I never understood why official goverment body’s do that anyway. Maintaining your own infra means you have full control. This should be mandatory for any government body. Not beeing dependant on big tech who make up silly rules as they please.

[-] johannes@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl 13 points 10 months ago

Not everyone should be allowed to have children. Why? Because i believe my parents shouldn't have had children. But here i am anyway ;-)

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