[-] jonne@infosec.pub 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Was it when they said Hitler didn't really mean what he said about Jews before he became Chancellor? Or when they knowingly printed lies to make the case for an Iraq invasion? Or be stenographers pretty much anytime the cops say anything? Or the IDF?

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 4 points 1 day ago

Yes, Obama had to ask for it. The moderator wasn't about to say Romney was a lying sack of shit on their own. That's my point.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 10 points 1 day ago

And of course they would never tell voters to vote for the centre left coalition, that would be worse than the actual fascists.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 4 points 1 day ago

I'm sure they'll rebuild it when they need to do another 'rescue' operation that kills scores of Palestinians.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 8 points 2 days ago

Always has been

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 12 points 2 days ago

Love the passive voice there. 'because they've come under attack'. Definitely don't mention who is bombing humanitarian convoys.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 9 points 2 days ago

It's their fault for naming their town East Palestine. They should be happy Biden didn't authorise Israel to bomb them yet.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 7 points 2 days ago

Those all happened afterwards. During the debate nobody has ever been told they lied about a particular thing by a moderator.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 40 points 2 days ago

I've never seen a debate where the moderators did a fact check. You'll see candidates call each other out sometimes, but moderators don't actually moderate. Timing answers to be ridiculously short so nothing of substance can be said is also a perennial feature.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 25 points 2 days ago

And they're barely letting him do interviews/press conferences. Remember when they were giving Trump shit for doing that?

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 35 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The Trumpy anti-war stance basically means 'don't send US troops anywhere', they're usually fine with enabling Israel or other 'allies' to prosecute their wars/genocides. Opposition to the Ukraine wars is also more due to them liking Putin's anti-woke stuff instead of some kind of anti-imperialist principle.

[-] jonne@infosec.pub 31 points 3 days ago

The satanic temple usually does stuff like this.

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