
joined 1 year ago

Welp, that dampened my enthusiasm for the game. I won't preorder it, and maybe wait until it is on a Sale for a reduced price.

[–] juergen_hubert@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago

Two TTRPG sessions (Dungeons & Dragons in person, Call of Cthulhu online), going swimming at the public pool, working some more on my translations of German folk tales.


Basically, in this tale a farmer's girl lost her way in the forest and stumbled across a hut inhabited by seven dwarves. She asked them for a place to stay for the night, and received it (after the dwarves argued about who would get the honor of giving up his bed for the girl).

A short term later, a farmer woman arrived. When the girl opened the door and explained that there was no more space, the farmer woman suspected her of being the lover of all seven dwarves, called her a slut ("Lumpenmaitschi" in the local dialect), and then fetched two men who killed the dwarves in the same night, buried the corpses in the dwarves' garden, and burned down the hut (the girl, however, had managed to escape).

This tale is from an obscure 19th century folk tale collection from the Aargau Canton in Switzerland, and I don't think it has ever been translated into English. But I think I shall do so at the earliest opportunity.


Für Leute, die sich an deutschen Sagen und Legenden interessieren: Viele der alten Sagensammlungen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert sind inzwischen digitalisiert und online erhältlich. Wikisource hat eine Link-Liste für diese Sammlungen (falls Ihr noch andere kennt, bitte hinzufügen!).

Diese Liste war extrem hilfreich für meine eigenen Recherchen und Projekte, und man kann da sehr viel Zeit damit verbringen, die Sagenwelt bestimmter Gegenden zu erforschen. Einziger Schönheitsfehler: Die meisten dieser Bücher verwenden Frakturschrift. Aber auch daran kann man sich gewöhnen!


I am curious - has anyone tried out these color e-ink Android tablets with some popular drawing/painting apps?

I have a reMarkable 2, which is decent for quick black & white sketching - but I really want a color e-ink tablet one day, and I want to make sure that color drawing and sketching works well with them.

[–] juergen_hubert@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Imperialism is bad even when it's not the USA doing it.

Ukraine absolutely deserves our support in this war.

[–] juergen_hubert@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago

Since Ernest doesn't mention it himself, I would like to point out that he has a BuyMeACoffee account where you can donate to him to support him for all his hard work.