Oh yeah, I get all my news from random tweets
Our strength as a country for the last century is due to the unending flow of new ambition, hope, and vitality from people coming here in search of a better life. Immigrants swell the ranks of our doctors, researchers, and entrepreneurs. They package our meat, pick our tomatoes, and find new cures. They are our lifeblood and always have been.
Biden thinks this over the top and is going to have a come to Jesus talk with Netanyahu over an ice cream cone
MuST vOtE For gENoCiDe jOE
Or always stay in sight of two other people and eat and drink only from sealed packages purchased from random grocery stores.
We do have a choice, and Biden is going to find that out in November if he doesn't change course. Cornel West and Jill Stein look better and better every day.
When 20% of voters in some states are rebelling in your primary, you can either stop and act like you give a shit, or find out they just might not give a shit when you need their votes in November.
I heard Biden is considering adding "pretty please with sprinkles on top" next time he talks to Netanyahu