You can get a Ryzen minipc for under $200 now.

Try disabling the metadata downloaders.

This is a face off against Donald Trump, friend. WTF are you even talking about?

The chrome instance is commented out...

Michelle Obama.

Kinda joking. Kinda not. Seems to be universally beloved, and has direct knowledge of the office and job.

[-] 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I don't think he'd be a popular pick because he doesn't have the name recognition. I'm sure they're looking for a heavy hitter with big name recognition.

Well, you're right about the fighting part, but wrong on the attempts.

Dozens of states tried to pass election integrity bills after the Trump fiasco. Few got it passed due to Republican intervention.

Same in Congress in both the 117th and 118th. Attempts to make a bipartisan bill always fails because of GOP additions that are absolutely insane.

The opposite has happened in GOP controlled state sessions in places like Texas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, where bills have been passed that are very obviously skewed towards the GOP controlling the seats, and getting the benefit of either limiting Democrat control directly, or limiting future abilities of such.

It's absolutely foul, and though the Democrats are working hard to fight these things, it looks like abject failure before any real attempts can even be made, which voters seem to see as weakness. Maybe that's just a defeatist point of view though.

[-] 10 points 6 hours ago

Yeah. More people involved need to be seeing jail.

[-] 9 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

These trained bamboo plants are tricky, because they require that you continually train them to a post when growth is going to keep that shape. When allowed to grow normally, of course they grow straight, and fast. You can trim that top growth off without harming the overall plant (use the 1/3 rule, of course), but you'll likely get multiple offshoots where you do the cutting because the trunk of bamboo is fibrous, and will regenerate new leaves from cuts, that will eventually turn into shoots over time. You might even get some new shoots from the soil line after spurring new growth after cutting, which is a positive or negative depending on how you see it.

If you wish to keep it small, just set a reminder to trim it every so often and keep the new growth to where you'd like it. Treat it like a Bonsai.

Yep. That was a property from the Master System and Game Gear that got a 3D revamp for DC, but don't think it was really very popular to begin with, so naturally wasn't a huge selling point.

[-] 17 points 6 hours ago

Nobody can fight them right now though. Executive Order wouldn't work, and Dems don't have enough control in Congress. Dems need both to pass legislation that the Republicans definitely don't want passed.

Republicans have done nothing but fight this type of legislation for decades, because they know they will never win the general populace come election time. This is why they Gerrymander, this is why they pass laws allowing themselves to unilaterally throw out election results, and this is why we're seeing the Supreme Court making insane rulings right now. It's all to try and disenfranchise the majority population opinion, and try to rewrite it with indoctrination.

[-] 6 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

So, yeah. I can't watch the full hour, but I skipped through and get the point.

Essentially, there used to be some guardrails around direct advertising in movies and TV after everyone selling ad time in the 50's-70's got multiple generations hooked on cigarettes and booze. Then it shifted from smokes to Coca-Cola which was in literally every movie in the 00's, and now it's websites.

The trick is, you can leave these brands anywhere in sight on screen, as long as you don't directly tell the audience they need to buy it.

Bottle of Aviator Gin in a bar shot, sure.

Brawny paper towels in a janitorial closet, why not?

You just can't draw attention to it. It's a foolish distinction now because it's been getting abused for so long, but until there are direct bans on all brands on screen - which seems kind of impossible - this will be a thing. Even more so now that you can quickly work AI generated billboard scenes in wherever you want without having to CGI or film it anymore. Sucks.

Edit: This is a perfect (though comedic) example of how it still works -


A lot of people here seemed excited for these chips. It'll be very interesting to see the gaming performance as this could bring in an entire new segment of portable devices running Linux if powerful enough to deliver solid battery life and CPU performance.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Overall, probably a positive thing as the improvements made here will flow downstream. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the performance of these new Qualcomm chips in laptops.


Let me just give the simplest explanation of my intended outcome here: I want to use Assist to speak "Play {Album} by {Artist} in {Room name}", and have it "just work".

The Speech to text triggers aren't an issue, but the Intents are. Checking the built-in Intents has been of no use. The custom sentence docs only really handle the first part of the equation.

So say I want to work this out with a local NAS mount where everything is categorized as Artist/Album in the directory structure, does anyone have any pointers or links that may be helpful?

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