[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 78 points 8 months ago

these people want war with you, they mean to subjugate you, and if you do not bow they mean to kill you

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 121 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

good tbh, their metro kicks too much ass to have everyone driving around, their system has it's problems but not driving isn't one of them

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 82 points 9 months ago

that's an awful lot of crying for a government that definitely didn't order the assassination of a foreign citizen on foreign soil

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 73 points 9 months ago

his brain is scrambled eggs

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 112 points 9 months ago

This is revisionist, that sequence of events was what caused him to start to play footsie with the idea of buying Twitter, the SEC saying that’s a big no-no is what made him actually make the offer to buy it and then he was forced by a court to finish the deal after a long legal battle to not buy it

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 128 points 9 months ago

These schemes all have the same problem that reddit and Twitter have: they need me more than I need them. If your website or app or whatever won’t work if I’m not on the right device I won’t visit it, and that’s not a bad thing

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 71 points 9 months ago

Please read past the headline, there’s an important story here with through lines of corruption, cybersecurity, and complexities of living in a state like that

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 79 points 10 months ago

Boy if only the pentagon had a way to deal with rogue actors, I wonder what they’re in charge of

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 211 points 10 months ago

Same reason they do Nigerian prince scams still: it’s so ridiculous no one will believe it except the people you absolutely 100% can get a score off of, so you can send these to a million people easily and they self select into the “easy to scam” group and you only work that one. You automate the cheap part of the process (initiating the scam) while making the expensive part (chatting with the mark) more productive

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 68 points 10 months ago

will vote Republican in 2024 anyway

That’s fine, I think they should be paid more, and unlike them my politics isn’t motivated primarily by ruining my political enemies

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 65 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm with the people who miss 3.5mm jacks on phones on this one. Until there's an open, portable standard between iPhone, android, and physical media that I own, I'm not buying ur dumb infotainment system. I'll go on eBay and buy a physical Garmin GPS before I learn what "google automotive services" is

[-] kitonthenet@kbin.social 95 points 11 months ago

Lol, I mean it really says something about gig economy when concepts such as "minimum wage" threaten to flat out kill their industry

Farmer's markets? (kbin.social)

I've been meaning to go to farmer's markets more for produce and to see what's out there, do you know where I can go for a good one? I'm in the Hartford area

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