[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 207 points 7 months ago

Draft dodging piece of shit tries telling me, a left leaning veteran of the US Marine Corps, that I am vermin...on veteran's day. Yeah, get fucked, asshole.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 111 points 7 months ago

There were two races in my local school district that I just voted on. I don't even have kids of my own, but it's important to me that the next generation gets the best education possible. Since I didn't know any of the candidates, I was digging up their backgrounds and endorsements and a couple of them were proudly affiliated with "Moms for Liberty"...and that is an automatic 'nope' from me. That group is a toxin with a carefully chose name to sound reasonable. They aren't.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 113 points 8 months ago

What's the strategy in that? Claiming she was never his attorney forfeits what shreds of privilege might be left of their communications and is also one less person he can blame "advice of counsel" on.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 111 points 8 months ago

76 down, ten thousand more to go.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 133 points 8 months ago

I had no idea they are still pulling up remains.

The US has already spent millions on search and rescue (it surpassed 1.2 million even before the wreckage was found).

Anyone else love that the ultra rich can book quarter million dollar trips on ridiculous vehicles and then still cost the taxpayers millions.

If you are wealthy enough to book a trip into space or to the bottom of the ocean, then you need to be paying (in advance) for whatever resulting expenses might come out of that....or be required to carry the insurance that will cover it. It's stupid that taxpayers have to pay for this and that the Coast Guard is STILL AT IT...racking up more costs.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 209 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Bullshit. He's not 'out of money'...he's 'out of the money he's willing to part with'. Big difference.

They need to find his secret stashes of cash and make sure it goes to the people he owes.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 124 points 8 months ago

The Florida statute of limitation on collecting back taxes is 3 years.

Rep Moskowitz's idea is so fantastic, that I'd propose they look back 3 years and collect back taxes also.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 227 points 9 months ago

Corporations should be held responsible for the emissions caused by their employee's commuting.

This would really change the discussion about return to office.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 103 points 9 months ago

They must have done a cost/benefit analysis and came to the obvious conclusion that having to build multiple variants would be more costly than the profit they'd have earned by continuing to gouge all the non-EU consumers on proprietary cables and junk.

The world owes the EU a debt of gratitude for forcing apple compliance on this one.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 105 points 9 months ago

Probably over diagnosed by people self-diagnosing. Probably significantly under diagnosed officially/clinically.

And the above is true for a LOT of conditions, not just ADHD.

submitted 10 months ago by krayj@sh.itjust.works to c/sourdough@lemmy.world

This was my first attempt at making a seeded bread (using caraway seeds to give it that traditional Jewish rye bread flavor).

Came out really nice...flavor reminded me of the kind of bread I'm used to getting in the deli.

It came out so good that I (obviously) had to immediately run to the store and pick up some sliced corned beef to make some corned beef sandwiches.

The basic make-up was; 75% bread flour, 25% whole dark rye, 73% hydration. Oh yeah, and 75% of the liquid I used was actually dill pickle juice from a near-empty jar of store-bought dill pickles. It's been hot here, and I don't have air conditioning, so I used cold packs from the freezer to keep my fermentation bowl chilled in order to stretch out my bulk-fermentation time to 9 hours.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 116 points 10 months ago

Hopefully the prosecution saves this video and presents it at this douchebag's first, second, nth, parole hearing.

[-] krayj@sh.itjust.works 132 points 10 months ago

There's already a link to the vid talking about the utter bullshit and corruption surrounding the McD's ice cream machines posted in this thread, but here's a resource I haven't seen posted yet: an online tracker to find out if your local McD's ice cream machine is working or broken right now.


(love the domain name)

submitted 10 months ago by krayj@sh.itjust.works to c/youtube@lemmy.ml

When watching regular youtube vids using a web browser, you control the volume level of the video using the volume control in the bottom left of the video.

When watching youtube shorts, there's a speaker button that mutes or unmutes the video, but there seems to be no way to set the volume level. Am I missing something or does youtube just not include that feature for shorts?


It's easy enough to look at https://[instance]/instances and see which instances a particular instance has blocked.

But in the cases where an instance hasn't completely blocked another instance but has blocked specific communities on other instances...where can I see/find that?

So far, I've found that reading and parsing the modlog will reveal that if you are willing to search for it manually, but is that the only way?

submitted 10 months ago by krayj@sh.itjust.works to c/sourdough@lemmy.world

My starter is already quite sour and full of character, so if I use more of it, I'm directly adding those flavors sraight into the dough, but by using more starter it will result in less fermentation time, and less proofing time, which means less sour and less character developed through fermentation and proofing.

On the other hand, if I use less starter, the dough is starting off with less of that initial flavor and character, but the lower starter amount means longer fermentation and proof times, which means more character in the final product.

So which is more impactful to the flavors of the final loaf? The extra initial starter, or the longer fermentation and proof times?

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