
joined 1 year ago
[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

All good points. Fair enough. That said, don't be too quick to dismiss the remote desktop option. Not sure when you last tried, but these days with software like remmina, connecting remotely to a desktop (particularly one on your lan) is indistinguishable to sitting in front of it. Sure, you can't do things like play games at any useable framerate, but for something like Stable Diffusion I would expect it to be ideal.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 7 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Buying a laptop that can run SD will cost you more than twice as much as an equivalent desktop. A desktop will also remain upgradeable for the next 10 years or so.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

My ex was a hoe hoe person.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Learn vim, but learn it well. Not enough people take advantage of it's macros feature. Once you've tried that, you'll never go back.

Also, while you're at it, spend some time learning i3. Then you'll be able to show your principle engineers a thing or two.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Well, no, and that's the whole problem; Systemd removed choice, and it was designed to do so. That is why there is so much anger. It is bad software design, by design. It flies in the face of the core linux principles, all in the name of homogenising the linux ecosystem, and you know exactly which big corporations benefit from that.

The simple fact is: today, if I want to run a mainstream distro without Systemd, I cannot. Its cancerous tentacles run so deep that decoupling it from a mainstream distro, and keeping it decoupled, is a full time job.

Instead I have no choice but to run a smaller, less featured, less secure and less funded alternative. Good luck getting Gnome to work without systemd.

Full credit to Devuan, MxLinux, Artix, and the other united underdogs.

Fuck you Redhat/IBM and your proxy evil-doer Lennart.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

It is the one universal truth. Viewers do not want ads.

Why then should I care about a content creator who doesn't care about their viewers?

If you have built your business model on giving people what they don't want, AND have the audacity to insist that people make it easier for you to give them what they don't want, then you can fuck right off.

No. I do not care about creators who rely on ads. You'll take my Ublock Origin from my cold, dead hands.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Have a look at the pygame library for python. It's a great first step for this kind of thing. It has everything he needs to grasp the concepts and start to build some cool stuff. Then move to Godot.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Forget window managers and definitly avoid Electron if you can. Easiest way:

firefox --kiosk https://your-app-url

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have to resolve them way more than I should. We have internal devs and external devs and there is a lot of treading on toes. For any conflict that isn't super obvious (90% are) ^*^ I just ask the two devs involved to resolve it together, in a sensible way that keeps the unit tests working.

^*^ Usually the non-obviously conflicts are the ones where it's not just a matter of choosing A or B, but splicing A code with B code.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

Your principal architect sounds like an idiot.

[–] l3mming@lemmy.fmhy.ml 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

But how will they have time to learn SELinux and run a business?

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